Sleep during the day Good or bad according to Ayurveda?

Sleep during the day Good or bad according to Ayurveda?

There are many people who can not do without an afternoon siesta and ultimately it becomes a habit for them. Read about Sleep during the day Good or bad according to Ayurveda?

But have you ever wondered why you have so much sleep in the afternoon? Is it due to lack of sleep at night that you want to finish your sleep by taking a nap during the day? Is this good for your health? Some people say that sleeping during the day is good for the human body, while others say that this is not the case.

Ayurveda has answered all these questions with the benefits and side effects of taking a nap during the day.

Our body passes through three doses each day in four-hour increments – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each period is dominated by the respective dosha, and adjusting our body with natural rhythms helps us to feel ease and harmony in our lives.

Kapha dosha, which dominates between 6 am and 10 am, is all about the body, where you are supposed to be active. Practical exercise is beneficial. If you sleep during this time of day, you will feel lazy and your internal organs will not function optimally and smoothly. According to Ayurveda, lunch is the most important meal of the day. So, a light breakfast is recommended so that you do not feel asleep.

Pitta dominates from 10 to 14 hours. Pitta refers to the transforming fire that allows digestion of food. This is why it is always said that you should prefer your biggest meal during lunch time. Meanwhile, your body is able to transform the foods you eat into energy and fuel that are useful for the rest of the time. As the body’s energy is more focused on digesting food, there is less energy for physical activities.

Vata dominates the next period, that is from 2 pm to 6 pm. This time is best for mental and creative activities because your brain works very effectively. But with this you can also feel sleep during this period. It is always best to do these things at that time which makes you feel relaxed and happy, like having a cup of hot tea. And the dosha cycle continues as well.

According to Ayurveda, it is not advisable to sleep during the day, as this can cause an imbalance between the Kapha and the Pitta doshas. This imbalance can have detrimental effects on the functioning of the body. However, Ayurveda also states that healthy and strong people can take naps during the day, but only during the summer. The reason behind this is that nights are shorter during the summer, and there are chances that the body can be elevated due to hot weather.

Sleep during the day Good or bad according to Ayurveda?Ayurveda also specifies who can sleep in the afternoon and who should not sleep during the day. You will find the group of people who can sleep during the day:

  • Students – Maybe tired of studying permanently. Taking a nap in between can help stimulate their brain.
  • Elderly – To rest their bodies and minds.
  • People who suffer from indigestion problems due to Vata imbalance.
  • Singers – Making a nap in between can help balance the Vata Dosha.
  • People at Short Temperatures – Sleep can calm their minds.
  • People who have undergone surgery in the past – Sleeping can help attach the healing process.
  • People like workers who work hard and heavy – Sleeping can help them relax for a while.
  • People who want to gain weight or suffer from malnutrition.
  • People suffering from pain – Sleeping can help them forget their pain for a while.
  • People with a hangover.
  • People who should avoid sleeping during the day are:
  • People who suffer from obesity
  • People who work for weight loss
  • Patients with diabetes
  • People who eat a lot of fatty food

There is a reason why these people are asked to avoid sleep during the day. Sleeping during the day can cause several problems. Some of them are:

  • Fever
  • Obesity
  • Aggravation of cold
  • Swelling
  • Throat related disease
  • Increased feeling of nausea and vomiting
  • Lack of good memory and intelligence
  • Diseases related to skin
  • Weak sense organs
  • Weak immunity system

The Conclusion

While Ayurveda recommends sleeping during the day, each person should take some time to contemplate and understand if sleeping can be beneficial to them or if taking naps can lead to problems. It is always best to keep the problems away, especially if you know what can harm your body and how you can prevent it.

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