How to Scrunch Hair In an Easy and Effective Way?

How to Scrunch Hair In an Easy and Effective Way

Scrunch hair! Natural curls and wavy locks are the very common these days. Try scrunching which gives you an easy, Beachy waves look without much effort. People with stick-straight hair must be worried now, do not worry as you can also get a scrunchy look using the hair dryer diffuser and some styling products. Scrunching results differently for differently for different types of hair.girls having wavy or curly hair will be benefitted by the technique of scrunching. Scrunching is a technique in which you will take your hair and crush it with your hands. Hence, it can also be defined as a volume addition to your hair.

Things required for scrunching your hair

Below you can find the list of things needed to make your hair scrunch:

• Shampoo
• Conditioner
• Cotton Towel
• Gel or Mousse
• Hair dryer along with diffuser attachment
• Curling iron
• Hairspray

Steps on how to scrunch hair?

You can find how the above-mentioned things are used in each step.

Step 1: Firstly wash your hair. If possible use the shampoo or conditioner specially meant for curling hair. By using this will make a small deposition of styling product in your hair. The weight of styling shampoo is lighter than regular shampoo. This is first step on how to scrunch hair.

Step 2: Flip your head upside down and dry your hair using a cotton towel, so that it helps in squeezing water from your hair effectively. Make sure you do not rub your hair as it may ruin the effect of getting sleek and smooth waves.

Step 3: Take adequate amount of hair gel or mousse in your palm and rub your hands together. Now, take a cup of hair section and squeeze it gently to permeate the product onto your hair and give a shape. Repeat the same to entire hair section.

Step 4: Take the diffuser and attach it to hair dryer end. Use the diffuser to gather some section of hair and hold the same in a cup while you turn it. You should not move the diffuser as it will make your hair straighten. Until the hair is dry, hold the diffuser in the same place without shaking it.

Step 5: For extra hold on hair curls, you can apply some amount of gel or mousse. If you find your hair looks still straight, then make use of a barreled curling iron to make curls on your head to give a scrunchy look.


Step 6: Squirt your hair with the help of flexible holding spray, fluffing and scrunching to make sure you have coated your hair entirely. This is the last step in scrunching steps. By completing the above steps, your hair is ready with a scrunchy hair style.

Now, you might have got an idea of what is scrunchy hair and how to scrunch hair. Why waiting? Follow the steps given in the article and scrunch your hair. Give a glossy and classic look to your hair with a new hairstyle

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