Sandalwood cures many Skin problems

Sandalwood cures many Skin problems
Sandalwood cures many Skin problems

Skin issues like pimples, dark spots, when marks, smuts, dark circles and plenty of such things are quite common in teenagers. For those whose skin is affected by these skin issues will create best use of wood Remedies for Skin. Wood remedy is one amongst the easy steps to scale back disease of the skin. These remedies can offer you a transparent and healthy skin. This text provides you with numerous wood remedies for skin and its further advantages.

Here are the some sandal wood remedies for skin:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of sandalwood with half cup of turmeric powder. Apply this paste to your face and leave for about twenty minutes, then rinse the face with water. By following this tip one can reduce pimples on your face.
    Sandalwood cures many Skin problems
    Sandalwood cures many Skin problems

    Make a paste of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder in milk (both are with equal quantity) and also add a pinch of camphor powder to it. Apply this paste to your face and leave for over night. It allows for feeling cool and cleans the skin marks.

  • Take a sandalwood powder and mix it with rose water. Apply this paste on your face and leave about fifteen minutes. It is for them who is having oily skin can apply so that it prevents from pimples and for others it used for cleaning the pores.

Sandalwood is an antibiotic agent that makes the skin from free of all kinds of bacteria and virus.

Image Source:- Alibaba

Sandalwood cures many Skin problems.

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