Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease

Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease

The walk in a park looks like the excellent method to spend the afternoon & then you go home to find a hull built into your skin. These small arachnid creatures are widespread in grassy and wooded areas and especially around conifer and cedar trees. If this tick is a nymph, you may be infected with Lyme disease. Read about Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

A nymph is a spot in the immature stage of its development and is about the size of a poppy seed. Once it attaches to the host (you or your pet) and the more it stays there, the greater the risk of contracting Lyme disease by assuming that tic is a carrier. Ticks carry about twenty diseases.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

This perplexing disease presents itself with symptoms similar to the influenza virus. You may feel pain in your body with a fever, nausea and even joint pain. Additional symptoms include a rash in the form of a bull’s eye that appears in the area where the tic bite has occurred.

All people with Lyme disease do not have the appearance of a rash. Therefore, if you have been bitten by a check mark, you should be on the lookout for the following symptoms in the coming days.

  • Dizziness
  • Stiff neck
  • Swollen joints, Painful
  • Heart palpitations
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Numbness or tingling of a nerve endings

Lyme disease does not focus on a particular area of the body and spreads through the bloodstream of the body. As a result, it tends to affect more than one body part at a time. If left untreated, Lyme disease can enter into a late disease or become a chronic disease.

In a small percentage of cases, after treatment, the symptoms can last up to six months. However, rather than being labeled as chronic, this condition is best referred to as Lyme Disease Post-Treatment Syndrome (PTLDS).

Why Antibiotics Are Used

Antibiotics are often used to treat Lyme disease and good reasons. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have funded several studies that show that most patients in the early stages of Lyme disease recover quickly and completely after taking antibiotics prescribed by the physician for a few weeks.

Nevertheless, there are natural treatments that work well when combined with antibiotics that can help you during recovery.

Natural Treatments for Lyme DiseaseNatural Health and Lyme Disease

The immune system strengthening is eminent in the combat against the effects of Lyme. Probably the most effective way to achieve this is the diet. A healthy diet is crucial to becoming healthy, feeling better and better.

Lyme Disease Diet

The first step in establishing a healthier diet reduces the consumption of both processed and high-sugar foods. Whole foods, fresh vegetables, and natural herbs, as well as fresh organic food, are all healthy alternatives. Homemade salads are excellent because you can add all your favorite stuff.

There are also trays of delicious and healthy salad recipes available online that you can make at home. Try something tasty and new! Revive these endorphins that generate pleasure!

Eliminating the unwanted diet from your diet will help your body to many levels. It’s a fact, the less refined sugar you consume is the best and healthier it is. Check out our article on foods to avoid when you have Lyme disease for more information.


Hydration is necessary when treating the Lyme disorder naturally in conjunction by the relevant medication. Water consumption is the excellent choice for this. Spring water is great as it has filled with natural minerals necessary for the proper function of the body.

Natural juices like lemonade and cranberry, apple and basically any flavor you like are really good for your body. Juice is a great option and a delicious fruit smoothie is hard to beat.

Treating the effects of Lyme disease naturally is a healthy approach and treats the whole body. Proper diet and exercise in conjunction with medical treatment to restore the body’s natural state while placing a person in a healthier overall approach to life and good life.


The jury is always out of vitamins. Some swear by them while others say they are ineffective. It’s a personal choice. Absinthe, alpine root, aloe leaf, and garlic are supplements reported to eliminate harmful bacteria and restore balance in the intestine.

By taking a good multi-vitamin rich in minerals coupled with a good diet and a gentle exercise and you will not be able to feel better!

This is just the beginning of what you need to know about Lyme disease. Take a look at our Lyme Disease topic page for a more comprehensive education on the subject.

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