Miracle soup for cancer patients

Miracle soup for cancer patients

Cancer patients can try out soup for cancer patients which is considered to be a miracle cancer soup. This miracle soup is indeed acknowledged as one of the best soups for cancer patients.

The five elements miracle soup or broth is rather commonly made and used in natural healing for its anti-cancer properties. The soup has been prepared by Dr. Tateishi Kazu who based the soup on the principles of the given five elements theory in Chinese medicine. The harmonizing balances of the forces of yin and yang, acid as well as alkaline, that does promote good health. This is in contrast to the imbalance, which does lead to disease. This is no doubt considered to be one of the best soups for cancer patients

Soup for cancer patients is indeed worth trying out as a patient who is suffering from cancer would be keen to get relief.

The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and also water. Dr. Kazu’s soup is rather based on the essence of the five elements. He did a lot of research and studied as well as tested over 1,500 types of herbs and also plants to come up with a unique healing vegetable soup. Each essence does possess its color: green, red, yellow, white as well as black. These do relate to the corresponding internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidneys. Dr. Kazu used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables:

  • Daikon Radish Leaves (Green element)
  • Daikon Radish (White element)
  • Shittake Mushroom (Black element)
  • Carrots (Red color element)
  • Burdock Root (Yellow element)

This soup happens to be also one of Dr. Baylac’s favorite broths for broth fasting. Those following a personal detoxification process at home found that in the colder winter climates, they utilize this warm broth in one’s regimen. The broth can also be drunk cold for when a person is on the go.

This soup can indeed be beneficial for those who are detoxing, fasting, or recovering from cancer, and also suffering from high blood pressure as well as arthritis.

Miracle soup for cancer patients

5 Elements Soup Recipe

Yields Approx: 3.5 liters, 1 gallon of soup, 14 cups


  • 16 ounces white daikon radish
  • 10 ounces carrot
  • 12 ounces white daikon radish greens
  • 8 ounces burdock root
  • 3-5 fresh shitake mushrooms (sundried)


  • Prepare the vegetables by washing the greens and also mushrooms as well as scrubbing the roots. Avoid peeling the vegetables. Make use of them for optimal benefit. Chop the vegetables into of course small pieces.
  • Do not add salt or seasonings to the soup.
  • Fill a non-toxic pot with 14 cups of water or perhaps three times the quantity of water as the vegetables. Enamel or stainless steel pots are indeed good choices.
  • Add the vegetables and also bring them to a boil. Once the soup does start to boil, reduce the heat as well as simmer for two hours.
  • Strain the soup to separate the broth. The broth is ready to drink.
  • Fill up several 16oz or 8oz mason jars for storage in the refrigerator and also for later use.
  • The affected person can also drink the soup simply as a water replacement.

Patients will benefit much of course. Those suffering from cancer do take a special diet and are keen to get well soon or at least recover better from the disease. This miracle soup does help in recovery.

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