Kareena Kapoor Khan Beauty, Fitness tips, Makeover and Diet Plan Revealed


Popular Bollywood actress Kareen Kapoor Khan beauty is evergreen Why? Here we are going to know her Beauty, Fitness Tips, Makeover and Die Plan, She uses in her daily life.

  • Kareena has a radiant skin and glowing complevergreen genes do matter here.
  • Bebo, her nickname, also drinks at least 6 glasses of boiled water every day.
  • Be it films or in real life she uses minimal make-up and after shooting she removes her make-up.
  • Kareena does not use facials at all.
  • Never uses pancake make-up or any sort of creams as they contain chemicals.

Kareena Kapoor’s Makeup Tips:

  • She prefers no makeup.
  • Uses Chanel black kohl or a Smokey eye tint.
  • Mac cherish Lipstick and MAC blush ‘improper copper’.
  • Perfume is either Jean Paul Gaultier or Un Jardin en Méditerranée by Hermes.

Kareena Kapoor Khan Beauty, Fitness tips, Makeover and Diet Plan Revealed

Kareena’s Beauty Products and Cosmetics:

Kareena Kapoor uses these beauty products every day:

  1. Lancome face wash for cleansing the face.
  2. Sisley Hydra-Global Intense Anti-Ageing Hydration Moisturiser to moisturize her skin.
  3. Clarins HydraQuench Rich Cream to nourish her skin during winter.

Kareena Kapoor Diet Plan

  1. She is a strict vegetarian.
  2. She eats plenty of green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and fenugreek.
  3. She does not cut out the carbs in her diet.
  4. She eats healthy after every 2 to 3 hours.
  5. For dinner she generally takes brown rice or chapatti, dal, vegetables as well as curd.
  6. She avoids butter, cheese and parathas.
  7. She takes muesli, cheese, bread slices or paranthas with milk, soya milk
  8. Soups, salads vitamins and minerals.
  9. For snack she has protein shakes and fruits.
  10. For dinner she has chapattis, dal or vegetable so.

Kareena Kapoor Fitness Secrets:

  • Kareena Kapoor popularized size zero trend within India.
  • Bebo has a wholesome meal and goes in for yoga, pilates, and cardio exercises.
  • To be in proper shape she does yoga and ashtanga for at least an hour every day.
  • During her time off she does up to 100 yoga basic suryanamaskars every day.

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