Is It Safe To Drink Water From Plastic Bottles?

Is It Safe To Drink Water From Plastic Bottles?

Is It Safe To Drink Water From Plastic Bottles?

Drinking water is necessary for the healthy body. But, what if the drinking water itself can harm the body? This is what happening when you are not considering the bottles used for storage of drinking water.

If you are using plastic bottles to store water, you must ask yourself an important question- how Is it safe to drink water from plastic bottles? You should go through this article to know more about the health problems that it might possess.

Safety of plastic bottles varies depending on the type of plastics that is used. Low quality products may possess serious health problems like cancer. Read on to find answer to the question of is drinking out of plastic bottles bad.

Repeat use

Most of the plastic bottles available in the market are for single use. But, it is very common that people reuse it for storing water. These plastics are made from polyethylene terephthalate (abbreviated to PET or PETE). These are cheap and lightweight. Reusing this will cause serious health issues.

Quality of plastics:

Most of the bottled water available at cheap rates is made of low quality plastics. If you wonder if it is safe to drink water from plastic bottles, the answer depends on the type of the plastic usedand whether it is okay to be reused.

Pregnancy complications:

The BPA used in Type 7 plastic water bottles are proven to cause complications for pregnant women and the fetus. BPA mimics faux-estrogen and this may result in chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in birth defects.

This is another reason why you should consider how safe is drinking water form plastic bottles.Sadly, this is only one of the bad effects of drinking water from plastic bottles.

Early puberty:

If you wonder is it safe to drink water from plastic bottles, you should know this too. The exposure to chemicals that mimic hormones like estrogen will result in early puberty.

This will also increase the chance of prostate or breast cancer due to regular use. There are many studies that show that low quality bottled water can affect fertility as well.


You are at more risk of getting infections while drinking water from plastic bottles. If the water is not purified properly based on the required guidelines, there may be presence of disease causing bacteria.

The design of the bottle also plays an important role in this, as it will harbour bacteria if it is difficult to clean. This is one of the major reasons why you should consider how safe is drinking water form plastic bottles.


If the water in a plastic bottle is warm, chances are more that it contains carcinogenic compounds due to the reaction between thewarm water and the plastic. Avoid using plastic bottles to store warm water.

Be particular about the bottles that you use for storing or carrying water. It is better to use glass or steel bottles to store water. Or else, while selecting bottled water, prefer those with codes 2, 4 and 5. Quality of the bottles determines the quality of water in it.

Is It Safe To Drink Water From Plastic Bottles?

Photo credit: stevendepolo / Foter / CC BY

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