Instant Tips To Heal Skin Rashes By Bleach

Instant Tips To Heal Skin Rashes By Bleach

Instant Tips To Heal Skin Rashes By Bleach

Bleaching of the skin is the common method used to lighten facial hair and to look fairer in just fifteen minutes. It also makes the skin glow and shiny. The bleach also helps in removing the skin impurities and blackheads. But chemicals present in the bleach might harm your skin if used often. If you have to get ready for the party and you have not gone for the facial then bleaching the face can get you immediate fairness. Instant Tips To Heal Skin Rashes By Bleach.

Though, bleach rashes are the major concern post bleach and it needs a quick and effectual remedy. Bleach can cause the burning sensation and rashes to the skin if you donot follow proper precautions. Though some people have very sensitive skin and easily get the bleach rash. This spoils look of the face and instead of getting a fair and glowing skin you get ugly rashes.

So we are here to tell you how to treat the bleach burn at home quickly and easily. You can safely go for the skin bleach without rashes on the face by trying out these tips. Take the look at some of tips to heal bleach burns on the face.

Aloe Vera, Honey & Ice Water

For the post bleach rashes treatment take ice cold water in the bowl and mix it with 1 tablespoon of each aloe vera gel and honey. Soak the cotton roll in this solution and gently apply on the face. It will soothe rashes and will immediately heal them.

Cold Milk

Soak the cotton ball in ice cold milk and apply on rashes. Hold cotton roll on the rashes for about 4 to 5 minutes. Later rinse off with the cold water. Milk quickly normalises acids causing rashes and promotes the healing.

Fresh Cucumber Pack

Cucumber offers an immediate soothing and cooling effect to the rashes. Refrigerate the cucumber before going for bleach so that it becomes cold by time you need it. Grind it to make the paste. Apply paste on rashes and leave it for 5 minutes. This is one of best home remedies to treat the bleach burns on the face.

Mint & Rose Water

Ice Cubes Make the juice of mint leaves and mix it with 1 tablespoon of rose water. Refrigerate this mint and rose water mixture in form of ice cubes. Wait until ice of mixture is formed. Once done take out ice cubes and gently rub on rashes for about 5 minutes.

Instant Tips To Heal Skin Rashes By BleachSandalwood Pack

Sandalwood pack acts as the natural bleach burn treatment. Mix 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder with ½ a cup of ice cold milk to make the paste. Apply this paste on the face and keep it for 10 minutes to get immediate relief from rashes. Later rinse with cold water.

Baking Soda

Cold Rinse Mix 2 tablespoon of baking soda in the mug of water and mix it well. Splash this water on your face 4 to 5 times in a day and then moisturise your face with the milk cream to prevent dryness caused due to the baking soda.

Multani Mitti Pack

Mix 2 tablespoon of multani mitti or fuller’s earth with the cold rose water to make a paste. Apply on the skin for 10 minutes to remove rashes. Multani mitti has the soothing effect on the bleach rashes and heals them quickly.

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