Health benefits of asparagus

Health benefits of asparagus

Health benefits of asparagus


Asparagus is an alkaline food which is rich source of protein but low in calories and carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of potassium, folate, vitamins A, C and K, and traces of vitamin B complex. So here are few Health benefits of asparagus keep on reading.

A good source of the dietary fiber, asparagus is also rich in other content called niacin, phosphorus and very low sodium. And certainly most imposing is that it is one of those few vegetables that actually has calcium and magnesium in ideal ratio of 2:1.


Asparagus has an ample of an amino acid called asparagine, that helps to cleanse body of waste material. As the result, some peoples urine might have a foul odor after eating asparagus. Do not worry if this happens to you. Just be glad that your kidneys are getting the good cleansing.

Asparagus is one of few vegetables that is opaque in healthful nutrients that help many disorders.

Acidity, Blood:

The high alkalinity of this amazing juice is effectual in reducing acidity of the blood and helps to cleanses the tissues and muscles of waste.

Arthritis and Rheumatism:

A unique phytochemical in asparagus that produces anti-inflammatory effect helps relieve arthritis and rheumatism.

Bowel movement:

Consume asparagus regularly for its mild laxative effect and dietary fiber that provides for the regular bowel movement.


Asparagus is the prime source of anti-oxidant and glutathione that can help to prevent the dreaded cancer.


The anti-oxidant and glutathione in asparagus prevents the progression of cataracts and other eye problems.

Diabetes or Hypoglycemia:

The healthful minerals in asparagus juice make it an important diet for people who are controlling their blood sugar levels. Even though, it is not to be taken by people with advanced kidney diseases.


Health benefits of asparagusAsparagus is a wonderfully diuretic vegetable and its efficacy is more pronounced when it is taken in juice form.

Heart disease:

Drink a small amount of asparagus juice mixed with raw honey three times a day daily to strengthen a weak or enlarged heart.


The diuretic and alkaline properties of asparagus help prevent or dissolve kidney stones. It helps break up oxalic acid crystals formed in the kidney.

PMS symptoms:

The diuretic effect of asparagus juice helps relieve premenstrual swelling and bloating. The magnesium in this wonder juice also help relieve irritability, fatigue, depression, etc.

Pregnant women:

The high content of folate, calcium and other minerals in asparagus are important in reducing the risk of birth defects and low birth weight. The diuretic effect of the juice is also a big help in reducing water retention in pregnant women.

Photo credit: judy_and_ed / Source / CC BY-NC

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