How to do Gold Facial At Home?

How to do Gold Facial At Home?

Gold facials are very popular with women and many like to do their facials at home. It saves time and cost. The facial skin glows. It is worth trying out.

Gold facials are indeed the best forms of beauty treatments and women love going for it particularly in India while attending a party or function. Even would-be brides opt for it. Even though tone tends to go in for regular toning and cleansing of the face, yet gold facial will brighten up the face no doubt. The face skin will look fair and will glow. Go in for a gold facial, gold facial scrub.

Gold facials are rather costly. A gold facial at a salon or parlor can cost nearly Rs.1500 to 3000. One can try out a gold facial at home to save the cost. It will be saving time as well. There is a Gold facial kit from VLCC which is available at Rs. 250. There are also brands such as Shahnaz Hussain, Jovees and so forth which are available at Rs. 400 to Rs. 1000 and can be used up to 5 to 6 times. The gold facial, gold facial scrub is worth trying at home.

Why Gold Facial at home?

It is advantageous to do a gold facial at home. One can purchase gold facial kits.

Products in the Gold Facial Kit:

Most people do prefer to make use of gold facial and their reviews are no doubt excellent. One comes across 4 products in the facial kit.
• Gold Cleanser
• Gold Scrub
• Gold massage cream
• Gold facial pack or gold mask

How to Use the Gold Facial Kit at Home: Method?

1. Cleansing:

To start with taking the Gold cleanser and massage all across the face and after 60 seconds wipe it off with a clean towel or perhaps a damp cotton pad. The gold cleaner does help to detoxify the skin from the epidermal layers by rather eliminating the impurities. It in fact wipes off the dust that appears on the uppermost surface of the skin.

2. Steaming:

Then the second step would is to steam the skin which does loosen the dead skin cells as well as blackheads on the face. Steaming is a process that one has to do on one’s own as it makes the skin pores get de-clogged. It also softens the blackheads as well as whiteheads. Take a bowl of hot water and then bend over that with a towel over one’s head to prevent the steam from escaping. Now, steam one’s face for 5-7 minutes.

3. Scrubbing:

After the steaming one has to take some gold facial scrub and then apply all over the facial skin as well as neck. Gently scrub and then exfoliate the face with gentle movements. Concentrate as well as rub a little harder on the nose, cheeks where there are blocked pores. This will open the blocked pores. Wash the face with clean water after scrubbing for 2-3 minutes.

How to do Gold Facial At Home?

4. Massaging:

Massaging tightens as well as tones the facial skin and muscles. It also does improve the blood circulation which tends to provide the glow. Now take the gold facial massage cream and then gently massage one’s face with that. Make use of some water if the cream gets thick. Keep massaging for at least, say, 10-25 minutes. This happens to be a very important step in the gold facial as the gold particles will actually enhance the collagen production and make the skin glow.

5. Gold Facial Mask or Pack:

After the massaging, do wipe off the extra cream in case there is some left on one’s face. Then apply the gold face pack. Let it dry and after that rinse the face with plain water. Make use of a toner to tone the face. If one does not make use of toner then use the cucumber juice with the help of a cotton ball and then apply a light moisturizer.


A lot of gold facial kits available in the market have a gold serum, gel or moisturizer that can be used after the toner. If there is gold bleach in the kit as well, then do make use of the bleach first, wash the face then do this gold A facial at the home is indeed a good option to look good. The gold facial, gold facial scrub is a popular beauty product.

Also-read: Best Gold Facials for Oily Skin

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