Food, fitness and beauty care secrets of Pepsi Ceo Indira Nooyi

Food, fitness and beauty care secrets of Pepsi Ceo Indira Nooyi

Indira Nooyi has been a successful career woman and naturally to achieve this success she has had to ensure that her daily routine and food habits are well taken care of. Looks wise she is elegant and ensures that she has a fresh look and a tiresome appearance.
It would be interesting to have an insight into her daily life routine and how she manages her hectic schedule with such elegance and ease.

A successful woman has to maintain a tight schedule in order to perform well in her task ahead and this required a disciplined routine that has to be followed diligently.

Food, fitness and beauty care secrets of Pepsi Ceo Indira NooyiIndira Nooyi lifestyle:

• Indra Nooyi wakes up 4 a.m. and is at her office by 7 a.m. as that time suits her best.
• Gets about 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
• Meditates.
• Has her breakfast and has tea to feel fresh and vibrant.
• Reads the newspaper.
• Relaxes in the morning hours.
• Sets goals and priorities.
• Believes in following morning routine.
• Exercises before the sunrise.
• Works out for an hour

Indira Nooyi practiced hard to follow a daily routine and she has successfully managed to get up early in the morning. She relaxes well in the morning hours to face up to daily challenges of her work as CEO of Pepsi. She is an independent woman and makes her own breakfast and lunch. She gets to work never later than seven am.

Indira Nooyi’s attire:

Indira Nooyi dresses up very elegantly and wears both Indian and Western clothes. She is always immaculately dressed and her dress sense is good. She dresses up according to the demands of the occasion.

Make-up Indira Nooyi:

Her make-up is not too jarring and reflects her outward personality. She has kept her hair short and is always well groomed. She does use lipstick even to work.


She wears a beaded necklace which is simple and elegant. Indira Nooyi holds a responsible post and has to be evergreen all the time. She has to interact with top-notch people and cannot afford grumpiness. Her charming demeanor is on account for her daily routine as it provides her with required vigor and energy for the day. She does not neglect her diet and runs her home and office work smoothly. She is able to manage both of them well as any professional woman has to do.

Indira Nooyi stature:

Indira Nooyi is an epitome of professionalism and every woman who aspires to make to the top would like to emulate her success story. Simplicity and elegance blend well into her daily professional work and that has made her be world icon in her own right. Her energy levels are high which make her perform well and not compromise on her professionalism in any way.


It is but obvious that a successful woman has to embark upon a proper daily workout, be regular in diet habits and also exercise and meditate like Indira Nooyi does.

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