Fairness Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Fairness Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Most women like to look their best. They want to look fair, dazzling as well as very glamorous. If one is in a hurry to attend an evening get- together then one must not have oily skin. To avoid oily skin one can try out some tips to lighten the oily skin

If one is tired of using market products for improving oily skin one can try out these remedies:

Top Fairness Tips for Oily Skin

Sea Salt

One can mix it with lukewarm water. Massage one’s face regularly with a mixture of this sea salt as it contains lots of sodium. One can apply the mix and then rinse it off thus making use of warm water. This will indeed help remove the excessive oil on one’s skin and helps in revealing the fresh layers of one’s fair skin beneath.

Mango Pulp

One loves eating mangoes in the summer. The mango pulp contains adequate Vitamin K, Vitamin E and other minerals that help to nourish one’s oily skin surface and helps in wiping off the excess oil. Do make use of the pulp and also add some milk for a good rich mixture, and then apply this twice a day for very effective results. This will also help in cleaning one’s face off from the impurities which are rather captured from the pollutants in one’s environment.

Natural Clay Mask

Make a clay facial mask with 1 witch hazel, about 1 tbsp facial clay and mix them into a thick paste and also add a few drops of lemon as well as honey to make it rather aromatic. This face mask will do well to the face. Massage the face with the aromatic face pack and one will find that oily skin will turn fair and bright.

Also Read: What are the Natural Beauty Tips for Fairness?

Healthy Green Veggies

Avoid junk food and have healthy vegetables. It helps in regeneration of skin cells. One must have a balanced diet.


This contains a lot of magnesium and fiber and helps in controlling the oils in the face. Simply apply the face pack of mutanmitti that is much soaked in lemon or milk for flawless skin. Skin becomes firmer and has a healthy look.


A 30- minute cardio exercise helps the skin and it keeps the skin glowing. One has a healthy complexion.


This exfoliates the skin. It helps in blood flow. It contains antiseptic, antibacterial properties.


It calms and absorbs the excess oil. It also exfoliates one’s dead cells. Prepare an oatmeal face pack consisting of 1/2cup of water along with some honey. Wash off the face pack with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera

Jojoba oil

It is a good conditioner. One has to apply it on the skin. It keeps the oil levels well balanced.


This helps one’s skin to become fair. It can be prepared with almond, pistachio and cashew paste, malai, wheat germ oil, black gram powder as well as rose water.

Haldi, Besan, and Cream

They brighten up the skin and usually in Third World countries brides use it to enhance their beauty on the wedding day. The skin becomes soft and supple and glows.


One must apply the peel of the tomato and its pulp on one’s face. It is good for sunburn.


These are good for greasy skin. Cut a raw potato into pieces of slice and keep them on one’s face and also keep the juice for about 20 minutes. It makes the skin look fair.

The above are the Fairness Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

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