Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen Production

Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen Production

Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen Production

#antiaging #wrinkles #skinelasticity #collagenproduction #saggingsking

The main obstacle with a growing age is that our skin would lose its elasticity & would sag. It has sagged skin, particularly below eye area and chin, would make you look elder than your age.

There is a significant need for the skin to improve its elasticity by provoking the formation of collagen. Collagen is the protein found in hair, skin and nails. It also keeps your skin healthy and intact.

It makes make the skin young & glowing. There are some best natural ingredients that on daily use would improve the skin elasticity & treat wrinkles.

It is a scary dream for every lady to have sagged skin with fine lines & wrinkles. People can try to get rid of them. They even go for cosmetic surgeries or skin lifts which costs much.

Now, everyone can afford such treatments, & they seem to be a bit scary even if you have sufficient currency to go for it. Women, you require not worry as we at Yabibo would share with you some natural secrets to making the skin young.

Here are some natural face masks that would improve the skin elasticity & prevent wrinkles. Here are few Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen Production.

Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen ProductionCinnamon And Turmeric Pack

Mix one tsp each of cinnamon powder & turmeric powder with sufficient olive oil to make a paste. Then mix the one-half teaspoon of sugar or salt. Gently scrub the face & neck area with this paste for a few minutes. Wash the face with lukewarm water. It helps stimulate collagen production in the skin that is necessary for the hard, tight skin.

Castor Oil And Honey

Mix one tbsp of honey with one tsp of castor oil. Apply it to the face & leave it for 10 minutes. This pack will tighten the skin & makes the skin glow.

Banana And Yoghurt

Mix two tbsp of yoghurt with half a banana to make a paste. Apply this to the face with mild massaging. Keep it on the face for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with water. Banana is rich in iron & potassium that tightens and adds the glow to the dull skin.

Lemon and Olive oil juice

Mix one tbsp of lemon juice with one tbsp of olive oil. Rub it smoothly on the face and neck. Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash the face with water. The vitamin C in lemon helps increase collagen production in the skin cells. It in turn helps restore elasticity to the skin. Lemon has astringent properties that help tighten the skin & decrease wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.

Honey, Egg And Cabbage

Cabbage face mask can have prepared at home by mixing two tbsp of finely rasped cabbage & with one egg white and 2 tbsp of honey. Apply this mixture to the face & keep it for 20 minutes. This mask is nutrient enriched & helps to tighten skin & prevent wrinkles.

Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice

Mix one tsp of aloe vera with one tbsp of lemon juice & little of yogurt to make a homemade face pack to tighten the skin. Aloe vera helps in firming & tightening the loose skin. The malic acid in the aloe vera gel helps increase the elasticity of the skin and get rid of a sagging skin. It is an also natural moisturizer for the skin.

The above mentioned are few Face Masks To Increase Skin Elasticity & Collagen Production. Read and follow practically, definitely you will have a good result. If you have few more points or face masks please share with us.

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