How To Bleach Your Eyebrows At Home

How To Bleach Your Eyebrows At Home

We just like to experiment with our hair color. Is not it? Well, and if we do the same experience with the hair in our eyebrows? Not that I’m talking about the color of your red eyebrows, burgundy or chocolate, but a little lighter on the eyebrows has become a good trend now. Yes, this publication is about brown bleaching, which might interest you greatly if you are a woman who is not in her dark eyebrows these days. So here is our complete guide on How To Bleach Your Eyebrows At Home:

How To Bleach Your Eyebrows At Home

The task of bleaching eyebrows is indeed detailed. Therefore, it is needless to say that you need a very good bleaching product, preferably brand, and particular attention. Here is the step-by-step guide to help you in your whitening effort:

  • At first, pull all your locks (including the fringes) away from your face. Tie them in a very tight ponytail or simply make a topknot or bread. You can also wear a headband or wrap your hair in a dry towel. All this will prevent your hair from falling on your eyebrows and accidentally bleaching during the procedure. Also, remove all your parasitic hairs and clip them firmly.
  • Start by cleansing your face by focusing on the areas of the eyebrows. Soak a cotton ball in a good makeup remover and gently wipe away the dirt, oil/sebum or makeup trace of your face. Try using a makeup remover to cleanse delicate skin around your eyes and eyebrows. Then rinse your face with warm water and shake it with a soft cotton towel.
  • Now open the product box and take the bleach powder, the liquid developer, the small applicator (if applicable) and the user’s manual. Read the instructions in the manual carefully. It is essential because you must follow the instructions strictly to prepare the perfect eyebrow whitening cream.
  • Pour the whitening powder into a medium-sized glass (any other non-reactive material can also be used) mixing bowl. Add a developer and continue gently shaking with the applicator (or cotton swab) until a rich, smooth paste is formed.
  • Now apply it to your eyebrows with the help of the applicator (or cotton swab) and make sure that all the hairs are evenly coated. Be very gentle as the friction of the cream damages the skin around your eyebrows. Also, try to be as attentive as possible to get accuracy.
  • If you are a beginner, leave the bleach for 3 to 5 minutes. Otherwise, wait a maximum of 10 minutes, then gently wipe the cream of your eyebrows using a damp, warm cloth.

How To Bleach Your Eyebrows At HomeImportant Tips To Keep In Mind

  • Now here are some pro tips that will keep you from going too light or too important on your eyebrows to make sure they do not completely disappear or do not stand out terribly:
  • Choose your eyebrow whitening product wisely. Choose something that is specifically designed to whiten the eyebrows or at least facial hair. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to use a softer product.
  • Never do bleach eyebrows without undergoing a patch test. Apply a small amount of whitening cream on your jawline and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. If no interaction takes place, you can continue a full bleaching of the eyebrows. If not, stop immediately and see your doctor.
  • Try to get the desired shade in a short period of time after applying the illuminating product on your eyebrows. If you leave it too long, your eyebrows turn out to be extremely light, which does not look good either on fair dyes or on dark ones.
  • For a pair of bleached but still natural eyebrows, you should stop the procedure as soon as your eyebrows have one or two lighter shades. You can always define them by forming with an inclined brush and applying a powder of forehead. These will eventually give your eyebrows the shadow you really desire.
  • Make sure you do not over bleach your eyebrows. This will turn brassy hair yellow, orange or even red.
  • When it comes to treating the dark roots of these little hairs on your eyebrows, use a small, thin brush (an eyeliner brush will do) to whiten the hair roots as close as possible without disturbing their bleached ends.
  • Go slowly and tempt one brow at a time. This will improve not only the consistency of time but also accuracy.

Be extremely careful while applying a cream whitener or a brightener on your eyebrows so that you do not end up getting the product into your eyes accidentally. If this happens, flush eyes with water immediately. In addition, take your doctor immediately if you experience irritation, itching or any other discomfort.

If the eyebrow bleaching steps are followed religiously, there is no chance of accidental mistreatments, such as a thunderbolt or an eye-less eyebrow. So try without worry.

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