Best Natural Remedies For Cradle Cap

Notwithstanding the name, it can involve not only scalp but also face & other portions of the body. Below are some of the Best Natural Remedies For Cradle Cap.

No one wants to see rough, yellow, & scaly patches on their infant. And certainly, being current to parenthood one might get tense seeing Cradle Cap on their baby. Cradle Cap has medically called as Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis. It is the child form of dandruff. Here, the head or scalp of the baby receives crusty, rough, & scaly patches. Notwithstanding the name, it can involve not only scalp but also face & other portions of the body. Below are some of the Best Natural Remedies For Cradle Cap.

It can harm toddlers & infants as well. This condition is quite harmless & nothing to worry about. The causes are not precisely clear for this, but authorities have to say that oily skin might be one of the reasons. Mother’s hormones or dead skin that become stuck to the oily skin could also be one the reason. This condition typically gets fixed in the few weeks on its own but if the problem insists there are answers for it. Here are some of the useful home remedies to heal cradle cap.

Effective Home Remedies For Cradle Cap

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil had preferred much than other oils for the cradle cap. Coconut oil is relatively dry and would not leave the greasy debris on the baby’s scalp. It has too got anti-fungal qualities. Apply some of this oil on the baby’s head.

Then you might clean it with the lukewarm water & a mild baby shampoo. Olive oil could also use here. Make certain not to go any traces of oil once it has washed; it can make the situation worse.

Notwithstanding the name, it can involve not only scalp but also face & other portions of the body. Below are some of the Best Natural Remedies For Cradle Cap.Wash The Baby’s Head

It has to do on a regular basis. Clean your baby’s head with the warm water. Apply the mild shampoo for this. During washing, smoothly massage baby scalp with your fingers, this might help release the scales. After cleaning use, the soft-bristled scrub to help release the levels during the baby’s head is yet wet.


It has applied after the hair cleaning. When the baby’s head is light, damp use some moisturizer smoothly on his or her head. It can aid trap moisture in the skin hindering it from becoming dry & scaly. For this, apply lotions or moisturizers made for baby’s delicate skin.

Petroleum Jelly

Take any petroleum jelly & use it on the baby’s head. Allow it soaks for some time. And then take the fine-toothed brush to eliminate the scales. And then you can wash the head of the child usually as discussed above.

Use Your Fingers

For this, you do not require anything to accept the clean fingers. And if you do not want to do the fingers try doing thin latex gloves. You could also use a plastic wrap to wrap the hands. It is the easiest & the most efficient methods to get scales off the baby’s head. Smoothly rub the fingers over the scaly patches, then gently peel & scrape off the dead skin. Cradle crap is not spreading. Do not use any sharp tool to eliminate the scales as you might accidentally poke the baby’s head starting to injury. Besides, all of these should have a check on the baby’s regular diet. If the baby has cradle cap along with any other illness related diarrhea, there could be some difficulty in the diet. Plus, it could be as of an allergic reaction. So try finding out the reason first & then try these easy, natural home remedies.

Caution: Please follow these Home Remedies after Proper Research & Guidance from specialists. You believe that you are serving any advice at the risk and will accurately research or discuss the healthcare professional.

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