Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Benefits of Turmeric Milk

“Health is Wealth”, this famous phrase is known to all and it is indeed true. Benefits of Turmeric Milk.

Being healthy and fit is the key to success. In lieu, one might take extreme measures that might not be necessary or too strenuous. In essence, health is always benefitted by the diet followed. One such example is turmeric milk. Turmeric is a natural herb with a lot of medicinal benefits. Milk on the other hand is without a doubt a wonder food. How about a combination of both? How about including turmeric milk in the diet plan?

Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Well, that is indeed a good idea to include in the diet plan. Why so?



Turmeric and milk contain anti-microbial properties. This property contains the bacterial and viral infections in the body. Turmeric being a spice heats up the body and milk gives strength to fight the infections. Turmeric milk is most effective in curing respiratory illness.

Anti-inflammatory response

The anti-inflammatory properties on the other hand prevent the occurrence of cancer in the body. Breast, prostrate, lung and skin cancers are common among others that occur more frequently. Turmeric milk will arrest the mechanism that damages the DNA to cause cancer.

Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Skeletal Strength

Bones form the skeleton and in turn a crucial part of the human body. Milk contains protein and calcium that improve the overall bone health. The chances of bone cancer and osteoporosis are reduced to almost nil. Bone strength is improved and one tends to feel more strong and healthy.

Benefits of Turmeric Milk


Turmeric is a great anti-oxidant. This property detoxifies the skin and gives the skin a new and a fresh look. Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in many such beauty products. Milk on the other hand contains protein that in turn helps in rejuvenating the skin. Free radicals that damage the skin are also taken care by turmeric milk.


Turmeric milk revitalizes the blood inside the body. In ancient times, turmeric and milk were consumed to cleanse the blood. The ingredients make the blood thin thus reducing chances of clot formation during its flow. Turmeric milk also removes all impurities from the lymphatic and the circulatory system to maintain a healthy environment all throughout the body.

Natural Analgesic

Turmeric milk is also known as “natural aspirin”. Aspirin basically functions to cure headaches and nasal congestion. Turmeric milk functions bring relief from cough and cold.

Nerve/ stress relaxant

Are you often advised to drink turmeric milk in the night for a good night’s sleep? Well, indeed turmeric milk helps one achieve a good night’s sleep. That’s because milk contains serotonin and melatonin. These two compounds help the brain to calm down and relax. Turmeric on the other hand relieves the body from stress. The synergistic effect from both ends puts the body and mind to a sound sleep. Sleep as we all know is a mandate for a healthy body.

Arthritis repellent

One of the hidden facts of turmeric milk is that the consumption of the same will reduce the chances of contracting arthritis. Yes! Many are unaware and here’s why? The anti-inflammatory function improves muscle flexibility and elasticity. This in turn minimizes the chances of excess wear and tear for the muscles.

Pain Killer

Turmeric milk is a natural pain killer. When the body is creaking after a hard day at work or the pain during menstrual cycle, turmeric milk will ease the pain and help the body calm down.

7 reasons drink turmeric milk or haldi doodh

Relieves from cough and cold

Turmeric milk is household remedy to relieve a chronic cough and heal the throat irritation, common in people suffering from cold and flu. The antiseptic and astringent properties of the turmeric combined with soothing effect of milk is responsible for providing the quick relief from respiratory problems including the dry cough.

Alleviates headaches

Being an excellent source of the antioxidants and loaded with a wide range of necessary nutrients, turmeric milk acts as the natural aspirin to provide relief from the headaches and body pain. The next time when you suffer from the headache, associated with the nasal congestion or a cold, drink glass of warm turmeric milk to feel better and relaxed.

Protects from the hepatitis

The antiviral action of the turmeric milk is due to presence of curcumin that prevents viruses from multiplying in the body, thereby hampers their growth. In addition to acting as the natural liver detoxifier, this flavoured milk acts as best and simple remedy to boost your immune health and protect the liver from viral attack.

Helps you to sleep well

Do you find it difficult to get the 7 hour sleep? If yes, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk around one hour before going to bed to enjoy good night’s sleep. Milk contains serotonin called brain chemical and melatonin which in combination with the vital nutrients from turmeric acts successfully in relieving stress and inducing sleep. Read more about tips for a good night’s sleep.

Good for arthritis

Many people are unaware of the fact that turmeric milk posses anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in strengthening the joints. This flavoured milk also cures swelling caused in arthritic patients, in addition to reducing the pain and enhancing muscle flexibility in patients.

Purifies the blood

7 reasons drink turmeric milk or haldi doodhTurmeric milk has been widely used as a powerful blood purifier and cleanser in the Ayurveda medicines. The presence of wide range of vital nutrients in this milk enhances the blood circulation and also helps in cleansing the lymphatic system.

Eases menstrual cramps

Menstrual cramps are quite common in the women during their periods and also in case of delayed menstrual cycle. Drink turmeric milk on the daily basis as it acts as the powerful antispasmodic agent easing the menstrual pain and cramps naturally.

Tip: Add a pinch of turmeric powder and sugar to the glass of milk and milk boil for around 10 to 15 minutes. Cool it for a few minutes and drink when warm. To attain its health benefits, drink this flavoured milk daily.

There are endless benefits of turmeric milk and thus difficult to bring it under one paper. The consumption of the same will eliminate maximum illness and tiredness. Thus, it is recommended to consume turmeric milk on a continuous basis.

The above are the Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

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