7 Reasons You Should not Skip Meals

7 reasons you should not skip meals

The clock has struck 9; it is getting late for office: skip breakfast. 7 reasons you should not skip meals.

Reached home late in the night : skip dinner. Frequent lack of time or belief that skipping meals: dieting – is what most of you might call it, will help in the weight loss are common reasons to skip eating. But if you put off eating for any reason, then it is the time you think again.

Our expert, nutritionist and dietician, says ‘Skipping meals does not provide any health benefits. Instead, it has many side effects.’ Here is what are 7 reasons you should not skip meals:

Reasons You Should not Skip Meals

Changes in the blood sugar levels

Sugar : obtained from breakdown of carbohydrates which acts as our body’s fuel, which is required for its normal functioning. So if you skip a meal, your blood sugar levels drop which in turn affects the functioning of your organs.

Affects your mood and concentration

Do you know that glucose (obtained through food) is the main source of energy for your brain? Hence, if you skip a meal, your brain will receive less glucose (energy). As a result, it experiences a shortage, and you will feel tired, sluggish, moody and irritable. This also interferes with your ability to concentrate, thereby leading to a decrease in your performance at work or school.

7 Reasons You Should not Skip Meals
7 Reasons You Should not Skip Meals

Alters your metabolism

According to Dr Neha, ‘Skipping meals on a regular basis shifts your system into starvation mode. This is an effort by the body to store energy. However, not eating your breakfast or dinner, decreases your overall metabolism and slows down the weight loss process.’

Increases your risk of diabetes

Not many people know that skipping lunch or eating a heavy dinner in the evening elevates your blood glucose levels. In addition to this, it also delays the insulin response; a condition which if persists might cause diabetes in the long run.

Lowers your nutritional intake

If you leave your house without eating anything on a regular basis, it means that you are eating less than you are supposed to. This in turn causes an overall decrease in your nutrient intake making you prone to various nutritional deficiencies, especially Vitamin B complex deficiency.

Affects your blood pressure

The drop in blood sugar levels due to skipping meals stimulates your body to release hormones to compensate for low glucose levels. This in turn causes an increase in your blood pressure levels and can also cause narrowing of your arteries in the future.

Causes indigestion problems

One of the key causes of acidity, gastric reflux, stomach pain, belching or flatulence is skipping meals. When you are on an empty stomach for a long time, there is an increased secretion of gastric acid in the stomach. So every time you skip a meal, your stomach produce acids that attack the stomach lining leading to acidity, ulcers and abdominal pain.

What should you do if you skip a meal?

One should never skip a meal. However, if you do skip one, pack your tiffin and eat it on your way to college or work or as soon as you reach your destination. If eating is not an option you prefer, have some fruit juice, buttermilk, coconut water or any seasonal fruit. If you occasionally skip meals, then drinking water might help you neutralise stomach acids.’ Said that, here are few tips you should keep in mind.

Eat 4-5 meals every day as it not only fills your stomach but also aids in weight loss.

Ensure that the gap between 2 subsequent meals is not more than 4 hours. To stick to this, gorge on healthy snacks and fruits to keep you going.

Last but not the least; never skip a breakfast as it is one of the most important meals of the day. This is because; your body lacks energy to perform the day-to-day activities in the morning. So to kick-start your body in the morning, you need to eat a healthy breakfast.

The above are the 7 reasons you should not skip meals.

Photo credit: Easa Shamih (iZZo) | P.h.o.t.o.g.r.a.p.h.y / Foter / CC BY

Photo Credit: Googel Image Search

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