7 Factors That Affect Heart Rate

7 factors that affect heart rate

7 Factors That Affect Heart Rate

Understanding the factors that affect the heart rate is very important in today’s stressful world. If the heart rate is high, the risk of developing certain types of the heart problems might improve. Also, a higher heart rate signifies stress within the system. When the body is in a state of rest, the heart is supposed to beat at the normal rate.

Health experts say that it is very important to lower the heart rate naturally in order to avoid certain health problems. Rapid heart rates also create anxiety in you. In fact, if there is pain in the chest when the rates are going high, medical attention is surely necessary at the earliest.

If you are walking fast or taking the stairs in its place of the lift, it is usual to experience faster heart rates but slowly when you relax, the heart must obviously slow down. If it does not, then it is a cause of concern. In fact, even some types of foods can 7 factors that affect t heart rate.

There are certain factors that affect heart rate. Stress on the physical level as well as emotional level can be one affecting factor. Also, some diseases and medications might also affect the heart rate. Let us discuss about other things that affect heart rate.


All of us have experienced the situation where the heart beats rapidly due to emotional stress we undergo. Both fear & anxiety can alter rate of the heart beat.


Your heart rate can vary due to fever, infections or certain disorders which affect the immunity.


Party drugs are said to be among the things that affect the heart rate. It is better to stay away from them for this reason too.

7 Factors That Affect Heart RateWorkouts

When you perform an exercise, it is fairly natural for the heart to beat faster. Your heart tries to respond to the demands of the physical activity.

Heart Diseases

Almost all types of the heart diseases interfere with the heart rate & cause lots of problems. This is one of the factors that affect heart rate.


When you are exposed to harsh temperatures, your heart struggles to pump sufficient blood in an attempt to adjust the system to the heat. This might lead to higher heart rates.


When you are dehydrated, you might experience a change in your heart beat as your heart will struggle to pump blood in the absence of water.

Photo credit : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QLQ0ZfwAxFo/UnpFb3wH-4I/AAAAAAAAWDs/HJcJGE0i-BI/s1600/Heart_Attack.png

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