5 Valuable Benefits of Corn for Skin

5 Valuable Benefits of Corn for Skin

Corn benefits for skin are several along with other benefits for maintaining good health. Women and teenagers will appreciate the benefits of corn for the skin.

Corn happens to be a large grain plant that has originated in Mexico and Central America. Although it is considered to be a vegetable, it is a food grain.

The leafy stalk of the plant does produce ears, which contain the grains referred to as kernels. For every specific kernel on the cob, there happens to be a strand of silk. The white, as well as yellow kernels, are most popular, but today, corn is indeed available in red, brown, blue as well as purple also. The white and yellow hybrids are referred to as butter as well as sugar corn which do contain both kinds of kernels. This cereal is popular for its pleasant taste.

Baby corn can be bought in cans or jars in the local supermarkets and is made use of in Asian cooking. This grain is usually available in summer and can is cooked in a variety of ways.

Sweet corn is used to garnish the fresh rice or is even cooked with onion and chilies for preparing an evening snack. It can be had straight out of the maize ears. In India, vendors often sell these corns known as ‘bhutta’. It is very delicious and also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Apart from the benefits of corn for the skin, there are other benefits as well.

5 Valuable Benefits of Corn for Skin

Also Read, 7 Best Benefits of Corn for Skin, Hair and Health.

Health Benefits Of Corn:

1. Good for Digestion

Corn is full of dietary fiber comprising both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber does help block cholesterol absorption by turning into a gel-like consistency whereas insoluble fiber does prevent constipation as well as intestinal problems by promoting soft as well as bulky stool that can move easily via the intestines, thus reducing the chances of Irritable Bowel Syndrome as well as diarrhea. It helps cure digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids and also colon cancer. Though corn does contain both types of fiber, it has a higher content of insoluble fiber.

2. Prevents Anemia

Anemia is on account of a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Corn does contain a lot of iron, which has been acknowledged to be an essential mineral required to form new red blood cells. The deficiency of iron can also cause anemia.

3. Increased Energy

Corn is a starchy vegetable and contains a lot of carbohydrates that help short-term as well as long-term energy. They also do ensure the proper functioning of the brain as well as the nervous system. Corn is good for athletes as it contains carbs. Corn is a complex carb and is digested at a slower pace, thus providing balanced energy levels.

4. Lowers LDL Cholesterol

The liver produces cholesterol which is of two types HDL or good cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol tends to increase fat content as it is found in fatty food, thus weakening the heart and causing cardiovascular diseases. Sweet corn is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids and keeps the heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and also improving blood flow. It prevents atherosclerosis and also controls free radicals throughout the body.

5. Facilitates Weight Gain

Corn is good for underweight people. These people need to increase their caloric intake to ad pounds to their weight. Corn contains a lot of calories and is rich in carbs which do to add weight to the body. It is indeed a healthy addition to the meals in case a person is underweight.

Corn benefits skin is also manifold and therefore it is well-liked well-liked by women and teenagers. The benefits of corn for skin cannot be overlooked.

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