5 Tomato Skin Whitening Overnight Treatment Processes


Skin can be made soft and supple with several ingredients and tomato can be used to whiten the skin as well. One can try out tomato overnight skin whitening treatment procedure to have fair skin.

Try out Tomato + Rice Flour + Milk Powder and you will get fantastic results. Tomato is considered to be natural bleach for one’s skin and at the same time, one can deep cleanse one’s skin pores.

Here is the Tomato Skin Whitening Recipe

  1. Take 1 ripe tomato and then cut it from the middle
  2. In a clean bowl take 1 teaspoon of rice flour and about 1 teaspoon of milk flour
  3. The mix the content well
  4. Now take about 1 half of tomato, dip this into the mixture
  5. Now make use of this tomato message onto one’s skin for about 5 minutes. Press the tomato lightly in order for the juice to come out.
  6. After about 5 minutes massage and then let it dry completely and then one has to rinse it off making use of plain water
  7. In case one is bothered by the dark patches then one must try out this skin whitening method.

Tomato Skin Whitening Treatment

There are of course several whitening gels and creams that are available on the market but most of them fail to live up to their claims. The surgical treatments for the skin whitening are quite expensive and are not worth to choose because of the side effects. Therefore, it is important to find out a solution which is very cost effective as well as safe.

Tomato is an easily available ingredient in one’s home. If one uses it on the skin one can expect a glowing skin and flawless complexion.

How does Tomato help to lighten the Skin?

  • Tomatoes do contain Vitamin A which lessens dark spots as well as blemishes.
  • Vitamin B which is available in tomato reduces wrinkles, fine lines and encourages production of healthy new cells.
  • Vitamin C present in it does help to build up the collagen and also maintain skin elasticity.
  • Calcium present in tomato does heal dry cum flaky skin.
  • Potassium which is present in tomato helps to moisturize and hydrate the skin.
  • Magnesium is also present in a tomato which helps one to have glowing and radiant skin.
  • It helps skin breathe oxygen thus slowing down the aging process.
  • The lycopene is present in it does protect the skin from harmful UV rays and skin cancer.
  • The astringent properties are present in it and to tighten up the large pores.
  • The natural acids of tomato lessen the production of oils in one’s skin.
  • Its cooling properties smoothen up the sun burns.

How to use Tomato for Skin Whitening

Tomato with Lemon Juice

Both tomato and lemons do contain natural bleaching properties that help lighten the skin effectively.

  • Mix some drops of fresh lemon juice in 1 tablespoon tomato juice.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to one’s skin and allow it to rest for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water and later make use of cold water.
  • Make use of this process for about 3 times a week.

Tomato Juice with Buttermilk

This combination does make an amazing pack in order to remove sun tan.

  • Mix about 2 teaspoons tomato juice and about 4 tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • Make use of a cotton ball and apply this mixture to one’s tanned skin.
  • Leave it for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.
  • On repeating regularly for 3 about times a week, you will be able to achieve desired results.

Tomato with Avocado

  • Blend about 1 tomato and about 1 avocado pulp in order to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this content to one’s skin and allow it to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with the help of lukewarm water followed by cold water.
  • If followed regularly, one can achieve desired results.

Tomato with Sugar

This form of scrub can exfoliate one’s accumulated dead skin as well as help in making the skin soft as well as supple.

  • Blend about 1 tomato into a fine paste.
  • Add about 2 tablespoons sugar to the tomato paste and then stir well.
  • Gently scrub this mixture over one’s skin for 10 minutes.
  • Allow the mixture to rest for about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse up with lukewarm water which can then be followed up by cold water.
  • Repeat this procedure 3 times a week.

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