5 Tips To get rid of Moles On The Face

5 Tips To get rid of Moles On The Face

5 Tips To get rid of Moles On The Face

#getridofmoles #molesontheface #reducemolesontheface #moles #brightandradiantskin

We all dream for a bright and happy skin! But it is not easy to achieve it. Pimples, dark spots, dark circles and moves diminish our beauty and make us look less attractive. Moles are a result of having too many melanocytes on the skin. Moles can look ugly on the face & may even decrease our confidence levels. It is not easy to dispense with these moles. Lightning or removing the moles is the tough task ever.

Now it is very easy to get rid of these moles. There are few natural ways to lighten the moles without harming the skin. In today’s article, we at Yabibo have gathered out few potent home remedies that naturally lightens the moles and make to look more appealing. Read on & never forget to try these 5 Tips To get rid of Moles On The Face.

5 Tips To get rid of Moles On The FaceGarlic:

Garlic is the best remedy to manage mole on the skin. The natural enzymes present in garlic breaks down the pigments that causes moles and lightens the dark pigments. Apply garlic paste around the mole. Leave it overnight & wash the next morning.


Honey is the safest way to remove the mole. Apply honey on the affected area before hitting the bed. Leave it overnight and rinse off the next morning. Repeat this method till you get wanted results.

Onion paste:

As onion is acidic in nature, it is useful for lightening the moles. Apply onion paste on the mole & wash off with regular water after half an hour. Do this method thrice a day for the best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Due to its acidic content, regular application of apple cider vinegar, fades off the moles. The apply cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar on the mole. Leave it overnight & wash off the next morning. Repeat this method for few days until the mole fades.


Pineapple yet another valuable remedy for removing moles from face, Apply pineapple juice directly on the mole & wash off after few minutes to do away with the moles.

Photo credit: Google search

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