5 Home Remedies for Rashes to Try Today

5 Home Remedies for Rashes to Try Today

Indian home remedy for skin allergy is useful for treating itchiness and these also help in resolving how to stop itching. Rashes can cause much discomfort and home remedies can be used to cure them.

Rashes can be very itchy.

Doctors tend to prescribe creams, lotions, or antihistamines for relief and may suggest cold compresses or other home remedies.

Relief measures for how to stop itching: 

1. Cold compress

Immediate relief can be had by using a cold compress, cool showers, or damp cloth, or even cold water that can bring immediate relief as It can help stop swelling, ease itching, and slows the progression of a rash.

How to use it

  • Fill up an ice bag or plastic bag with ice or perhaps dampen a cloth with cold water.
  • Place a cloth over one’s skin (never place ice directly on the skin).
  • Hold on to the skin until itching or pain subsides.
  • Repeat as per requirement.

2. Oatmeal bath

Oats (Avena sativa) has been made use of for centuries to treat several skin conditions, from eczema to burns.

Colloidal oatmeal dissolved in a bath can help relieve itchiness. Commercial brands of oatmeal baths are available.

How to use it

  • Fill the bathtub with warm water.
  • Mix about one cup (or one packet) of colloidal oatmeal into the water.
  • Immerse oneself in the water and soak for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with a lukewarm shower.

3. Aloe vera (fresh)

The aloe vera plant has been made use of as an aid to health as well as skincare.

Apart from wound healing, aloe has been made use of as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant.

How to use it

  • The clear gel that appears from the aloe leaves can be made use of to soothe itchy and irritated skin.
  • It is best to wash as well as dry the affected area prior to using aloe so that maximum absorption occurs.
  • If an aloe plant is at home then cut open a leaf, scrape out the gel, and then apply it directly to the affected skin. Drug stores carry commercial aloe preparations.
  • Use aloe twice a day or more if advised by the doctor.

Aloe is made up of vitamin B-12; calcium; magnesium; zinc; vitamins A, C, E; and also essential fatty acids. It does contain enzymes, carbohydrates, as well as sterols, which are thought to contribute.

Aloe vera gel is safe to use when applied to the skin. It can be allergic to aloe vera.

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil, extracted from the meat cum milk of coconuts, has been in use for centuries in tropical countries as cooking oil as well as a skin moisturizer. It is high in saturated fats and contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

People allergic to coconut need to test it first on one spot on the inner arm. If no reaction occurs within 24 hours, it is safe to use. Discontinue use if irritation develops.

5 Home Remedies for Rashes to Try Today

How to use it

  • Coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer on the skin as well as the scalp.
  • Virgin (unprocessed) coconut oil is good.

5. Tea tree oil

The tea tree is native to Australia where it was in fact originally made use of by the aboriginal people as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is an essential oil that is steam-distilled from the plant.

How to use it

  • Tea tree oil needs to be always diluted when made use of directly on the skin. If used on its own, it can be drying. It can be diluted by mixing a few drops with other oils, such as coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Or mix it with a moisturizer.
  • Use it on the affected area after bathing or having a shower. It can be made use of for itchy scalp or itchy eyelids.
  • Tea tree oil is toxic can cause allergies.

Also Read, How To Get Rid Of A Rash Under Breasts.


 These Indian home remedies for skin allergy are beneficial.

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