10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

Drinking honey and lemon mixed with the warm water, every morning, on an empty stomach is frequently pushed as best way to the lose weight. Here are 10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health.

But this mixture, if had at a right time in the day, can do much more than help to reach the weight loss goal. Here are 10 ways mixture of the honey, lemon juice and warm water can help you to stay fit and healthy.

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

How to make the mixture of honey and Lemon juice?

Fill tall glass with the warm water, as hot as you can tolerate, add the juice of ½ a lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Now stir the mixture well and drink it. If you are a diabetic, there is no need to shy away from this drink, here is why it is safe for you to add honey to this elixer. Also, remember to avoid drinking tea or coffee for at least ½ an hour after you have had the honey and lemon mixture. While this is remedy is perfect to help you to stay healthy and beautiful, there are lot of people who manufacture the fake honey.

Here are 10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the healthHelps to keep constipation at bay:

Warm water with the lemon and honey, when had in the morning, stimulates the digestive system, helps to produce intestinal mucus, hydrates the colon and infuses water into the dried stool, a common reason for constipation. Apart from that the warm water helps to kick start bowel movements, helping in regular and constipation free motions. But if suffer from long-standing constipation anguish you could try some of these home remedies to treat constipation.

Accelerates the process of weight loss:

Apart from cleansing the stomach, the lemon juice present in mixture, goes long way in helping for lose weight. Packed with type of fiber called pectin, lemon helps to make you feel full and keeps desires at bay. The warm water, honey and lemon also creates the more alkaline atmosphere in the stomach helping to lose weight faster. Apart from this, you could also supplement the weight loss efforts with these tips to lose weight in twenty days.

Helps in better digestion:

Better digestion is an essential for the proper functioning of the body, and this mixture is exactly what you need to keep the digestive tract in great condition. Each of components of this drink helps in better digestion. Lemon helps the liver produce more bile which helps the digestive system breakdown complex foods better and utilise an essential components. Honey on other hand has antibacterial properties that help to prevent any infections can one might have. Apart from that it also helps in increasing the production of mucus in the stomach which indirectly helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Apart from drinking this healthy drink every day, make sure avoid these foods that are difficult to digest.

Can improve the functioning of the colon:

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the healthIn Ayurveda, it is believed that we tend to have build up of toxins or ‘ama’ on an inner lining of our stomach, that is sedition for the number of disorders including cancer. This product of undigested food, intestinal cells and dead bacteria frequently furs the inner lining of the stomach and is thought to lead to diseases. By drinking lemon and honey mixed with the warm water the walls of an intestine especially the colon to get stimulated; leading to an exclusion of this ama. If understanding Ayurveda is not the thing, allopathy describes this mixture as strong natural way to cleanse the colon, allowing it to function better by helping the body absorb nutrients, reduces the toxins, stay enough hydrated and keep bloating at bay. Also, do try an Ayurvedic detox diet on regular basis to keep the insides clean and functioning well.

Helps to cleanse the lymphatic system:

According to experts, a dehydrated lymphatic system is one of a leading causes of illness. Lack of water and an essential fluids in lymphatic system can make you feel lethargic, exhausted, lead to constipation, disturbed sleep, high or low the blood pressure, stress and an all-round lack in mental function. The benefit of drinking this mixture early in morning is that it gives the lymphatic system a improve and helps to hydrate the entire system.

Can give the energy levels a boost and improve the mood:

Not a morning person? Well, this mixture can help to beat that exhaustion and fatigue you frequently feel every morning. How? Well, honey is an instant energy booster with minus the calories. Water helps to clear the mind by providing fresh blood to the brain, and lemon activates the digestive system, getting to work properly and eliminating a toxins that are frequently the reason for weariness. Moreover the smell of lemon is known to be natural relaxant and can help to uplift the mood. If you continue to feel tired, even after trying this remedy, there may be other causes for the symptoms. Do not neglect it and visit the doctor.

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

Helps in cleansing the urinary tract and acts as diuretic:

Honey is a very powerful antibacterial agent, that has capability to beat the number of common infections. When mixed with the lemon and water – 2 agents that act as an excellent diuretics, agents that flush out water from the body – this mixture is best way to cleanse the urinary tract. For women who suffering from frequent UTI – urinary tract infection this is boon and is known to keep recurrent infections at the bay.

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the healthHelps to beat bad breath and improves the oral health:

The acidic nature of lemon combined with an native properties of honey and water can help to beat bad breath almost instantly. The lemon cleanses the mouth, activating the salivary glands and killing an offensive bacteria. When added to honey and water, it helps to wash down the bacteria and despoiled food that is usually present in the mouth and throat early in morning. Another reason for the bad breath is formation of a white film on the tongue which is mainly consisting of decaying the food and bacteria, this effectively reduces of that film making the breath fresh – naturally. If this does not freshen the breath, you can try these expert tips.

Can help to give the natural glow and clear skin:

The benefits of lemon on the skin are abundantly, but apart from that, its cleansing an action also helps in purifying the blood, also helping in the production of new blood cells that acts as powerful cleaning agents. The water and honey lend to unique healing, antibacterial and collagen improving properties to the skin as well.

10 ways drinking warm water with lemon and honey can do wonders for the health

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