10 Things people did not know about Sophie Turner

10 Things people did not know about Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner baby has had a successful career and this means Sophie turner’s net worth is a lot. She has many films and music videos to her credit.

Sophie Turner is a popular actress and fans would like to know more about her. Sophie Turner’s baby has many attributes.

1. Although she played the role of red-headed beauty, Sansa, on “Game Of Thrones”, Sophie Turner’s hair is not really all that red, She is naturally blonde and dyed her hair in auburn color for the show. At the time, the actress really bad experience with dyeing my hair blonde, and it was in really bad condition.

“The team couldn’t dye my hair for Got until it was healthy again so they put me in a wig.”

2. She starred in a Bastille music video. She was the star of Bastille’s video for the track “Oblivion.”She then starred in the music video for the Jonas Brother’s “Sucker” video. Being a successful actress Sophie Turner’s net worth is a lot.

3. She has matching tattoos with her brothers. Sophie adorn’s a tattoo on her left arm that she claims is based on Plato’s theory that one’s soul is made up of three parts – reason, spirit, and appetite. The reason is my eldest brother, James, the spirit is my other brother, Will, and she claims to be appetite. It does mean a lot to us

4. She has a phobia of drains

Few people have a phobia of spiders and some have a phobia of clowns.

Sophie Turner has a phobia of walking over drains

5. She has a very strong bladder

This may be TMI, but Turner no doubt has a pretty strong bladder and can hold off from the washroom for a while.

As she says “When I was little, I used to hold it in until I am wet myself. I think I stretched my bladder so much that now I’m able to hold it for hours”.

Sophie Turner baby has a lot of self-control.

6. The girl can hold her own in a rap battle

Turner has earlier admitted that she is indeed capable of holding her own in a rap battle.

“I know every word to Eminem’s Curtain Call: The Hits album.”

“I heard his music for the first time when I was 8, and I would challenge myself to go home after school and come back the next morning knowing a different verse.”

“Because let’s be honest, what’s more important: science or rap music?”

7. She kept her direwolf

Game of Thrones has of course a lot of heartbreaking moments, but some of the worst participants involved are not the heroes or villains of the series, but no doubt the animals.

For instance, when Sansa Stark’s very own direwolf Lady had her time on the show did harshly to cut short it, fans on the show and were left distraught. They were not the only ones, as Sophie herself could not bear to stop seeing the adorable pup around on set.

To fix the problem, she contacted the trainers who possessed Zunni (the dog who played Lady) and thus decided to adopt her.

8. Her GoT sister happens to be her best friend

The association between Arya and Sansa that people on the show might be rocky, but the same definitely cannot be said for the actresses who play them.

Sophie and Maisie have indeed been inseparable right from the beginning when they screen-tested together in the given audition for Game Of Thrones.

10 Things people did not know about Sophie Turner

9. She was supposed to be a twin

Sophie Turner happens to be a complete original, which does explain why fans are rather surprised to learn that she was supposed to have a twin.

Initially, her mother was no doubt pregnant with both Sophie and another child, with the two of them supposed to have been born on the same day.

10. Game of Thrones is delaying her wedding

Sophie has stated that she is indeed confused by all the attention that has been lavished on her engagement to Joe Jonas and that she does not consider it the biggest achievement in her life.

She has considered it as being a sign that she has found that the person who does make her feel the most at home as well as peaceful, and hopes she can make use of that stability to enhance her career to even greater heights.

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