10 health benefits of Apple

10 health benefits of apple

You have heard the line ‘an apple a day keeps doctor away’ forever now and must have send away it as an old wives tale. Al though, nutritionists are time and again shedding light on numerous health benefits that this wonder fruit has in store. If you are unaware of this humble fruits and 10 health benefits of apple, have the look at this post to get clear idea why you should eat an apple every day.

health benefits of Apple

Apples keep a heart disease at bay

Pectin is a soluble fibre present in an apples helps in absorbing the cholesterol and thus reduces chances of your arteries getting blocked. The fruit is also charged with the antioxidants, which serves the same purpose of fighting the bad cholesterol and thus, keep your heart healthy.

Apples lower the risk of stroke

According to the study conducted by Dutch researchers, people who consumed 171 grams of apple a day were 52 percent less likely to suffer from the stroke compared to those who consumed 78 grams or lesser. So, gorge on an apple a day and lower the chances of suffering from stroke.

Apples make your teeth whiter

Nobody likes stained teeth and opting for the dental procedures might make the hole in your pocket. Although, a simple natural route to get whiter teeth other than maintaining proper oral hygiene is to add apples to the diet. Apples contain rough qualities which help in fighting stains on your teeth and thus, whiten your smile.

Apples give you the glowing skin

One of lesser known benefits of eating an apple is that it is great for skin. It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which prevent signs of ageing, wrinkles and keeps the skin glowing. This is the reason, why you should add more fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet to get glowing skin.

Apples help with weight loss

Eating an apple before having the meal, acts as a wonderful way to lose the weight. Apart from containing just 50 to 80 calories, an apple does not have any fat or sodium. Additionally, eating an apple makes you feel full due to its high fibre content. A Brazilian study even found that women, who ate apples before their meals, lost 33 percent more weight than women who did not eat the fruit.

Apples fight cancer

Amidst the fact that unhealthy eating habits and inactive lifestyle is increasing the risk of suffering from the cancer, eating apples can actually prevent you from the cancer. Also, the presence of flavonoids, a chemical, in apples can help to destroy cancer cells. Although, make sure that you do not peel the apple, since most of flavonoids are present in its skin.

Apples help to beat diarrhoea and constipation

10 health benefits of appleEven though diarrhoea and constipation are 2 very different stomach disorders, apples can help to counter both. The fibre present in an apples adds bulk to food that you eat and thus, helps in better digestion thereby preventing the constipation. It also absorbs excess water in case of diarrhoea, providing you to quick relief.

Apples enhance your immune system

Being rich in so many nutrients, apples can enhance your immune system and keep you free from an infections. In particular, a flavonoid called quercetin has been shown to significantly improve your immune system.

Apples help you exercise better

A lot of people are confused as to what they should eat before exercising. Eating an apple can be the great option. It has been shown that apples boost endurance by making more oxygen available to the lungs.

Apples can help to improve memory

Eating an apple everyday can prevent the refuse of a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine thus improving the memory. A study also found that this property of an apple can slow mental decline found in people with the Alzheimer’s.

All these health benefits make apples a precious food item and you should not think twice before bringing some home for yourself and your family.

Photo credit: Martin LaBar / Foter / CC BY-NC

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