Home-based remedies for acne scars

Home-based remedies for acne scars

Acne can be highly stressful, not only because they are painful but also they leave behind ugly marks that never go away. Pimple happens due to some kind of skin damage. During the process of pimples healing, the body creates a new skin cells and collagen fibres for repair that leads to acne scar formation. Although acne scars do not really go away but their colour, size and appearance can be changed to provide them undetectable, thus improving facial appearance. Here are a few Home-based remedies for acne scars.

Sandalwood water:

According to the Ayurveda, sandalwood is a highly efficient cooling and soothing agent, which makes it perfect to deal with the skin problems.

Steps to use:

  • Rub the piece of sandalwood on wooden base with little rosewater to make a thin paste.
  • Apply small quantity of this paste on the scar and leave it overnight.
  • Wash face the next morning with a cold water.

Fenugreek extract:

Fenugreek has anti inflammatory, soothing and antiseptic action on the skin that helps to heal skin conditions and reducing acne marks.

Steps to use:

  • Add few seeds of fenugreek or methi into little water;
  • Boil for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Allow this liquid to cool, strain out the seeds
  • using a cotton ball, apply the water to the acne marks.
  • Do this regularly for about a week and you will see reduction in the concentration of scars appearance.

Lemon juice:

Lemon is rich in vitamin C that plays a vital role in synthesis of collagen in body. For this reason, regular usage of lemons both as internally as a part of the diet and externally on the skin can help keep the skin healthy and free from marks.

Steps to use:

  • Cut few lemons and squeeze out the juice.
  • Apply the juice by using cotton ball directly onto the acne marks on the face.
  • Allow it to remain for some time and then wash with the plain water. This work as a bleaching agent on dark scars.
  • Repeat this mixture on the scars once a day for about one week to see better results

Precaution :

avoid going out in the bright sunlight when you have applied a lemon juice because it can cause darkening the skin.

Aloe vera:

The gel like substance acquired from the leaves of aloe vera plant has magical ability to heal the skin problems.

Steps to use:

  • Wash the leaf of aloe vera plant and peel out the plants outermost green layer to reach inner jelly like substance.
  • Scoop out the jelly with the spoon and apply little quantity directly onto the marked tissue.
  • Apply this twice a day, leaving the gel for about ½ an hour each time.
  • Wash it off every time with cold water. Apply for a few days and you will notice that the scars become invisible.

Conclusion :Home-based remedies for acne scars

Along with the use of these home based remedies, it is also important to take steps to prevent a new pimples from explode. Stress lean to cause hormonal changes that can worsen acne, So follow deep breathing exercises and reflect to keep stress away. Keep the skin from away from oil based cosmetics such as moisturisers and make up and even from hair products. This leads to reduction of blocking the pores in the skin and reduce the chances of an acne eruption.

Home-based remedies for acne scars

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