Get Sunlight and Get Rid if Vitamin D deficiency

Get Sunlight and Get Rid if Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is a sunshine vitamin, Therefore is not it paradoxical that its deficiency is so prevailing in India with such abundant sunshine? Know more about Get Sunlight and Get Rid if Vitamin D deficiency

Although the general awareness about vitamin D is on the rise, there are many questions that come to mind – how is vitamin D linked to the sunshine, how much sunlight do we need, why is it important to get adequate vitamin D for good health & what foods has recommended? People are also inquiring about just how prevalent is vitamin D deficiency, what are the early warning symptoms, and how their doctors may diagnose and treat it.

What is the link between the sunshine and vitamin D?

The skin produces 90% of the body’s vitamin D needs, under ultraviolet-B radiations from sunlight. Hence, inadequate sunlight exposure or deficient absorption of UV-B rays by a skin lead to the deficiency of vitamin D. In India, unequal exposure to sunlight results from the indoor lifestyle in urban areas and wearing head coverings. Besides, our darker skin conditions more melanin pigment, which reduces the skin’s capability to produce vitamin D. In extension, air pollution contributes by reducing the amount of solar UV-B rays that reach the earth’s surface, apart from deterring people from being outdoors. An Indian study confirmed that inhabitants of polluted areas are at a higher risk of deficiency.

How much sunlight has needed to make adequate vitamin D?

Light skinned individuals require 20 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight three to four times a week in order to enable the skin to make adequate vitamin D whereas those with darker skin (more melanin pigment) require 30-40 minute exposure three to four times a week. It has recommended exposing 18% of the body that is arms without sunscreen. The ideal exposure time between 11 am to 2 pm. However, in order to make vitamin D from sunlight, well-functioning liver and kidneys are essential. If the function of these organs has compromised, as happens with aging, additional vitamin D supplements may be needed under a doctor’s supervision.

Get Sunlight and Get Rid if Vitamin D deficiencyWhy is Vitamin D is essential for good health?

Vitamin D is primarily necessary for strong bones as it aids the body to use dietary calcium. Yet increasingly, research is unveiling its effect in preserving against the host of health issues, comprising diabetes, hypertension & also multiple sclerosis & some cancers.

What foods are rich in Vitamin D?

Notably, dietary sources and vitamin D-fortified foods make only small contributions to body requirements. Very few foods in nature contain vitamin D. The flesh of fatty fish ( such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) and fish liver oils are among the best sources. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese and eggs yolks. Some mushrooms provide vitamin D2 in variable amounts. Packaged foods such as milk, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, yogurt, orange juice, & margarine have been increasingly supplemented with vitamin D. Know more about foods rich in Vitamin D

How common is vitamin D deficiency?

A study showed a high prevalence of 70% (males 64%, females 76%) among 23-35-years old, with urban populations being more affected than rural ones. Vitamin D is a great leveler, and deficiency is seen across all age groups, genders, and socioeconomic classes.

What are the initial warning signs of Deficiency of vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency can frequently go unrecognized, & several who consult their doctor for pains, aches, & fatigue end up being misdiagnosed as sustaining from fibromyalgia. Really, vitamin D deficiency delays calcium inclusion in the skeletal collagen matrix, following in aching bones. Chronic pain & muscle weakness can actually be very complex, particularly at the start to take notice.

Vitamin D reporters have found all above the body, comprising the immune cells. Consequently, deficiency of Vitamin D begins to lower immunity & the higher susceptivity to flu. High blood pressure & depression has associated with vitamin D deficiency, & maintaining normal to optimal levels of vitamin D is becoming the bit of the treatment regimens for these general medical conditions. Read about signs and symptoms of Vitamin D

How would we know if I have vitamin D deficiency and how can we treat it?

We should get the diagnosis through a blood test, with values below 20 ng/ml being considered deficient, 20-30ng/ml insufficient and 50-70ng/ml optimal. In individuals who are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency, then we would aim at optimizing the values, which can be most reliably achieved by low-cost supplements, given in doses titrated by blood levels, plus adequate exposure to the midday sun.

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