Comparing Facial Skincare Treatments

Comparing Facial Skincare Treatments

In order to improve the appearance of our skin as we age, we are turning to skin care diets. Friends and colleagues offered skin care methods that worked for them. Read more about Comparing Facial Skincare Treatments

Advertisements try to state that their treatment is most effective. Countless internet stores are trying to sell their stuff to make young people overnight. To get back to healthy, youthful skin, start by treating it at home. When this does not work, there are other options to choose from.

Exfoliation at Home

To take care of the skin, try to use a gentle exfoliator every morning. Delicately scrub the skin with a cleanser containing micro-beads or a sugar scrub to remove dead skin. Understand that this method will not achieve nearly as impressive results as a clinic or spa. However, it helps keep skin clean and pores free from hooves.


The procedure of microdermabrasion is a mild exfoliation of the surface of the skin. There are two different mediums used in microdermabrasion – crystals or diamond dust to exfoliate the skin. The device exfoliates by the means as it eliminates the dead skin cells at the same time.

This method does not use needles or anesthesia for clients to return to work or regular activities on the same day. Most clients say that the application looks like a cat licking their skin, not painful.

There are few minimal risks and side effects with microdermabrasion procedures. The treatment is mild, just like the results and last only a few weeks.

Comparing Facial Skincare TreatmentsLaser Therapy

Using specific spectra of light energy, laser skin coating is done by carefully vaporizing the superficial layers of the skin. Although it may seem severe, understand that the laser works in a controlled way to target specific cells do not randomly delete anything that is on its way. Clinics have used laser machines for decades to improve the appearance of the skin with great success.

How much the procedure depends on the intensity of the treatment. Less intense treatment can be performed with softer results or further treatment can be done for more impressive results. A cramming cream can be used to make it less uncomfortable for those with low tolerance to pain. Side effects may include swelling and redness.

Facial Peels

Many are turning to facial scales to rejuvenate the face. The strength of the skin also determines its effectiveness. The superficial or light skins are soft while the deep skins are the strongest. The chemical agent is applied to the skin and timed according to the agent used. A neutralizer is used to stop the chemical and the skin is then rinsed.

The deeper the skin, the higher the risk. The soft skin has lower risks and lesser results. Requiring a monthly rehearsal. Deep skin usually requires two weeks of downtime and should not be repeated earlier than three months.

Medium and deep skins should only be performed in a medical clinic due to potential complications. Risks include infections, allergic reactions, pigment changes and scarring.

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