8 healthy benefits of bittergourd

8 healthy benefits of bittergourd

8 healthy benefits of bittergourd

Bitter gourd or karela has the therapeutic potential and thus, has been used in the various forms of traditional medicine. However bitter in taste and non-appealing to the eyes, drinking a glass of this healthy juice daily may protect you from the wide range of health problems. Here are top 8 healthy benefits of bittergourd or reasons why should sip one every morning.

Lowers the blood sugar levels:

Drink 1 glass of karela juice in the morning an empty stomach once in 3 days to keep the blood glucose levels under the control. The presence of momorcidin and charatin, 2 anti-hyperglycemic compounds, in karela juice plays a very important or key role in transportation of blood sugar levels to muscles. It’s seeds also contain 3 polypeptide-P that exerts the insulin-like action lowering the blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Improves the appetite:

A poor appetite can certainly leave under-nourished and subsequently, increase the risk of various health complications. Hence, drinking the glass of bitter gourd juice regularly as it helps to improve the secretion of the digestive juices thereby increasing the appetite.

Helps in treatment of pancreatic cancer:

Drinking a glass of bitter gourd juice daily effectively kills the pancreatic cancer cells. This is because, anti-cancer compounds present in the bitter gourd controls the ability of pancreatic cancer cells to the metabolise glucose, thus grudging the cell’s energy source and killing them.

Relieves symptoms of psoriasis:

To the cup of bitter gourd juice add a spoon of lemon juice. Drink this solution juice daily on an empty stomach for a period of 3 to 6 months to fight skin inflammation caused due to psoriasis. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and help to treat psoriasis naturally.

Detoxifies your liver:

8 healthy benefits of bittergourdDrinking the glass of bitter gourd juice everyday prevents jaundice by strengthening liver. It also helps in detoxifying and nourishing liver, thereby improving the liver’s function and protecting against liver diseases.

Promotes digestion:

Bitter gourd juice stimulates the sluggish digestive system and helps to treat dyspepsia. This is mainly due to fact that it promotes secretion of acid thereby improving the digestion. Hence, consume bitter gourd juice once per week in morning for better digestion.

Improves eyesight:

With regular use of bitter gourd juice, you can keep various vision related disorders at bay. As bitter gourd is rich in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, it plays a vital role in improving the vision. Apart from this, the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in the bitter gourd reduces damage to the eyes caused due to anoxidative stress.

Purifies the blood:

Bitter gourd juice acts as the natural blood purifier as it flushes out toxins and also prevents damage caused due to the free radicals in your body. So, drink a glass of bitter gourd juice each morning on an empty stomach to cleanse the blood and prevent skin problems like acne.

Photo credit: 10b travelling / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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