6 Reasons To Avoid Leafy Vegetables In Monsoon

6 Reasons To Avoid Leafy Vegetables In Monsoon

6 Reasons To Avoid Leafy Vegetables In Monsoon

During the monsoons, one requirements to be extra careful with the foods you consume. If you are the regular out-door eater foods which contain the leafy vegetables should be avoided at any cost.

Experts state that the leafy vegetables are highly dangerous for the health as it consists of a lot of bacteria due to the lack of sunlight and more significantly the leafy vegetables are grown in marshs which means more bacteria.

Leafy vegetables like cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower and spinach contain a high risk of stains since its leaves are the closely join. Moreover these so called the nutritious vegetables are continuously exposed to wet weather, watery grounds and mud, which is why it has a higher likelihood of them carrying germs.

On the other hand, the germ-growth during the monsoons enhances significantly. If you consume any of the leafy vegetables in the monsoon, it can guide to harsh stomach infections.

Al though, if it is essential that you should add it to your diet it is sensible for you to soak and rinse them methodically in warm water with salt. In this article know about 6 Reasons To Avoid Leafy Vegetables In Monsoon.

More Bacteria

One of the reasons why leafy vegetables should be avoided in the monsoon is because of the excessive growth of the bacteria. You will usually find the bacteria growth in between the leaves.

Grown In Swamps

Since these vegetables are grown mostly around swamp regions, the infection present in the leaves will be higher. The lack of the sunlight too is another reason why you should avoid leafy vegetables in monsoon.

Stored In stained

 Areas of the Leafy vegetables stay fresh when it is stored in the cool places. If the area is not fresh it can contaminate the leaves in monsoon.

Insects Thrive On Them

Cauliflower & broccoli are the leafy vegetables which are prone to having little insects feeding on the leaves. If you want to consume these 2 healthy green treats soak the vegetables in warm water with salt. It is also good to boil the vegetables before you prepare any dish.

Injected With Colour

To improve the colour of the leaves, vendors inject the leafy greens with colour. This synthetic colour is bad for the health as it weakens the bowels and finally destroys the kidneys.

Outside Dishes

It is best to avoid the purchasing leafy vegetables dishes from outside. Restaurants might not fresh the leaves properly and thus can guide to serious stomach infections.

6 Reasons To Avoid Leafy Vegetables In Monsoon

Photo credit : http://hollylegare.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Leafy-Vegetables-PTI.png

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