Skin Benefits Of Cold Lemon Juice

Skin Benefits Of Cold Lemon Juice

Skin Benefits Of Cold Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the best components you can apply on the skin. This acidic fruit has a ton of beauty benefits which can aid any skin problem. Today, specialists have stated that one should use cold lemon juice on your skin if you’re suffering from the acne. Though this cold lemon juice does not suit sensitives skin, it is widely used on any other skin type. Using frozen lemon juice with the help of other ingredients is simply the best. For example, mix milk with the cold juice to get rid of acne along with the nasty scars it leaves behind.

Furthermore, you can also combine cold lemon juice with the rose water or an aloe vera gel mask to help to reduce the pimples on your skin. If your skin agrees to any of the kitchen or natural ingredients stated below, it is best to use that component along with the lemon juice. Therefore, here are some of the best constituents you can also add to cold lemon juice to help to reduce of pimples along with the scars. Take a look on Skin Benefits Of Cold Lemon Juice:

Lemon Juice With Ice

Squeeze the juice of one cold lemon. Apply this juice on the affected area and allow it to dry. After 10 minutes, massage your face with ice cubes and then rinse with cold water. Lemon Juice With Ice is one of the best methods to use raw lemon on the skin to treat acne.

Lemon Juice With Rose Water

Rose water helps in removing the acne scar from the face. All you want to do is massage the face with the cold lemon juice. After 10 minutes when dry, rinse the face with the rose water to help treat the marks.

Skin Benefits Of Cold Lemon JuiceLemon Juice With Glycerin

Use glycerin on the face if affected with the acne. The properties present in glycerin helps to treat white pimples effectively. After 5 minutes of glycerin application, rub the cold lemon juice into the skin &  enable it to dry before washing it well with water.

Lemon Juice With Milk

Milk is a soothing ingredient which is used on the skin to treat any type of problem. Massage your face with cold lemon juice & when dry, wash your face with cold milk. You can also wipe the face dry with the cold milk using the help of the cotton wash.

Lemon Juice With Almond Milk

Refrigerate almond milk for 10 – 15 minutes. When the milk is cold, add it to the raw lemon juice. Now apply the mixed constituents on your face and when dry wash with cold water. This home remedy is sufficient for treating acne.

Lemon Juice With Aloe Gel

Aloe vera gel is the best part you can use on the face to treat pimples. Massage the cold lemon juice on the acne and after 15 minutes tap the acne with Aloe Vera.

Lemon Juice With Tomato Juice

Wash the face with a ripened tomato. When the juice is dry on the face, dab your acne with the juice from a cold lemon. Now enable this to dry on the face before washing it with cold water. Repeat this remedy after a week to get rid of acne and it’s scarring.

Lemon Juice With Egg White

Apply egg white on the face to help dry the acne. After 10 minutes, wash your face with plain cold water. Now, dab the acne with the frozen lemon and when dry rinse your face.

Photo credit : Google search

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