Six herbal remedies for blepharitis

herbal remedies for blepharitis

The field where the growth of the eyelashes takes place or the outer portion of the eyelids is supposed to be the one that is very smooth and delicate. An infection of this area around the eyes has called as blepharitis that has majorly caused due to infection & restraint of eye glands present within the eyelids. Below are Six herbal remedies for blepharitis.

Six herbal remedies for blepharitis

Itching, Swollen, & red eyelids and crusting eyelashes are any of the symptoms of this disease. The natural remedies for blepharitis can always take into efficient use to reduce this infection that can be very embarrassing and at the same time painful and discomfort for the eyes and the area encompassing the eyes. The natural remedies are as follows:


Marshmallow can use as one of the herbal remedies for blepharitis as it takes about the reduction in the redness of the eyes that is a result of blepharitis.

A tincture of the marshmallow tops & boiling water wants to be cooked and then applied as a decoction or decent for the eyes. This tincture aids in bringing about the large scale decrease in the inflammation of the eyes.

Life Plant Juice

This juice has not only applied as a natural remedy for the treatment of blepharitis but at the same time, it also serves in the best form possible in treating conditions of eye burns. The juice has needed to drop in the eyes all day 7 to 10 times.

This practice would occur in the reduction of the inflammation & the infiltration that takes place & at the same time it would also aid in facilitating the method of fighting the infection.

herbal remedies for blepharitisBilberry

The capillaries of the eyes had strengthened & at the same time, a number of different infections of the eye are treated by the application of bilberry.

It is one herb that can be used in healing blepharitis & at the same time, it also prevents the recurrence of this infection. Apply this herb on the daily basis for a few days & you will get a better result.


Rooibos has also recognized as a potent herb that can use for the treatment of blepharitis as it acts as an antioxidant, giving the eyes with the nutrients that had required for right functionality. This herb also excites the healing method of the eyes & brings about a considerable decrease in the inflammation of the eyes.

Tea Tree

The leaves of the tea tree can also utilize as herbal remedies for treating blepharitis as they have the strength to attack off the bacteria & the fungi that cause eye infections of different types.

These leaves are too said to bring about a considerable decrease in the inflammation of the eyes & at the same time; they also work in treating conjunctivitis.


Mayweeds can adds to boiling water & then taken after some brewing to get comfort from the pain & the inflammation that has caused because of blepharitis. This herb acts as the great agent that aids in reducing the symptoms of blepharitis & at the same time, it also prevents the recurrence of this infection.

Caution: Please follow the above-mentioned Home Remedies after right Research & Guidance. You believe that you are following any information at your risk and will correctly research or consult your healthcare professional.

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