Side Effects Of Anesthesia You Should know

Side Effects Of Anesthesia You Should know

The side effects of anesthesia may occur during surgery or procedure, or thereafter when you recover and the anesthesia is being used. Continue reading Side Effects Of Anesthesia You Should know

The possible side effects vary, depending on what kind of anesthesia you have: general (sedation provided through inhaled or intravenous – IV – medications), regional (numbing a part of your body, usually below the waist). While some side effects may occur after surgery may be uncomfortable or frustrating, most do not last long.

General Anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia may include:

Nausea and vomiting:

This very common side effect can occur during the first few days of surgery and can be triggered by a number of factors such as medication, movement, and type of surgery.

A sore throat:

The tube that is put in your throat to help you breathe can leave you with a sore throat after it’s removed.

Confusion :

Confusion when it comes to being a member of the community.

Muscle aches:

The medications used to relax the muscles so that a breathing tube can be inserted can cause pain.


It is a common side effect of narcotics, a type of pain medication sometimes used during general anesthesia.

Chills and shivering (hypothermia):

This is common when patients regain consciousness after surgery. This can occur in up to half of the patients. Researchers are not sure but think it might be related to the body cooling.

Side Effects Of Anesthesia You Should knowRarely, general anesthesia can lead to more serious complications, including:

Postoperative delusion or cognitive dysfunction:

In some cases, confusion and memory loss may last for more than a few hours.

Delirium :

This may last a few days after surgery. Sometimes patients can become confused, confused or have trouble remembering things. It can come and go and usually disappears after about a week.

This condition may be more frequent when patients are transferred to ICU after surgery and stay there for several days.

Cognitive dysfunction:

People with heart disease, pulmonary disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, or who have had a stroke, may lose long-term memory. Their ability to learn, to concentrate and to think can be diminished.

Malignant hyperthermia:

Many people acquire this severe & life-threatening reaction to anesthesia which can happen during surgery, causing rapid fever and muscle contractions.

If you or your family member have ever had a stroke or suffered an illness during a previous procedure, be sure to tell the anesthesiologist.

Regional Anesthesia Side effects

Potential regional anesthesia side effects (such as an epidural or spinal block, in which an anesthetic is injected into the lower back) include:

A headache:

This can happen a few days after the procedure if a part of the fluid from the spine evacuates.

Minor back pain:

Pain may occur at the site where the needle has been inserted into the back.

Difficulty urinating:

Because the area below the waist is numb, it can be difficult to urinate.

Hematoma :

Bleeding under the skin can occur when anesthesia has been injected.

Severe also rare complications of anesthesia include:

Pneumothorax :

When anesthesia is injected near the lungs, the needle may accidentally enter the lung. This could cause the collapse of the lung and require the insertion of a chest tube.

Nerve damage:

Although very rare, damage to the nerves can occur, causing temporary or permanent pain.

Local Anesthesia Injection

Injection of local anesthesia encompasses only the part of your body requiring minor surgery or procedure. The side effects are minimal and, in general, are related to the amount of injected anesthesia.

If you have had one or more other side effects or complications with previous surgeries or procedures, inform your anesthesiologist, who can give you medication before or after the procedure, or make other adjustments to prevent this from happening. Reproduced.

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