How To Prepare Chamomile Face Mask At Home

How To Prepare Chamomile Face Mask At Home

Do you want to have a shining and radiant skin? And do you want this in an inexpensive and efficient way? Then, the chamomile facade is what you should try! And if you are wondering how you can get a Chamomile facsimile, wait, you can prepare it directly at home and this publication tells you how! Read more How To Prepare Chamomile Face Mask At Home

Do you want to know more? Go ahead and read!

Advantages of chamomile:

You have to wonder why we use chamomile and no other ingredients. This is because chamomile has many anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the skin. Usually, if you suffer from dry skin and you are looking for a scrub to help you moisturize and soften your skin and also to cure diseases like inflammation, the facemaker with chamomile is the best bet! While a scrub is a bit abrasive and rough on your facial skin, the presence of chamomile helps soothe your face and helps you get that all natural glow.

Chamomile Masks:

Now that you know how chamomile helps your skin, let’s look at some recipes to make chamomile masks at home.

1. Oatmeal & Chamomile Mask:

The first on our list of chamomile facial masks, the chamomile oatmeal mask contains chamomile and oatmeal relaxing and anti-inflammatory. Oatmeal contains salicylic acid, which has exfoliating properties. Honey helps remove dead skin cells while sugar acts as a stronger exfoliator.


  • Oats (processed) : ½ cup
  • Baking soda: 1 teaspoon
  • Honey: 1 tablespoon
  • White sugar (optional) : 2 tablespoons
  • Chamomile tea (strongly brewed) : ¼ cup


  1. Start by preparing a cup of chamomile tea.
  2. In a bowl, add oats, baking soda, and honey.
  3. Start by adding 2 tablespoons of tea to the bowl and set aside.
  4. If your mixture is too dry, add a little tea until the desired consistency is reached.
  5. Now add the white sugar (optional) and mix well.
  6. The mask will be a bit on the heavy side.
  7. Wash your face and use your fingers to apply the mask on your face.
  8. Let stand for 5 minutes.
  9. Do this in the shower as the process can be quite messy.
  10. Once you have let it sit for a while, rinse the mask and apply a moisturizer.

How To Prepare Chamomile Face Mask At Home2. Olive Oil & Chamomile Mask:

The second chamomile mask on our list is the chamomile goose oil mask. Chamomile helps soothe and relax your skin while white sugar scrubs help to remove dead skin cells. Olive oil helps moisturize your skin.


  • Olive oil: ¼ cup
  • White sugar: ½ cup
  • Tea bag: 1 Chamomile


  • Begin by emptying the contents of the tea bag into a bowl.
  • Add the white sugar and olive oil to the bowl and mix well.
  • Store the mixture in an airtight container.
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  • Using your first two fingers, apply the mask evenly on your face, using circular motions.
  • Make sure to avoid sensitive areas around your eyes.
  • Once the mask has been applied, let stand for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Proceed to rinse your face with cold water and then dry.

3. Chamomile Almond Mask:

The recipe for the final facial mask on this list, the almond mask with chamomile, helps to whiten your skin and ensures a more beautiful skin.


  • Chamomile tea: 1 teabag
  • Oatmeal (powdered) : 1 tablespoon
  • Honey: 2 tablespoons
  • Almond oil: 2-3 drops


  • Empty the contents of the chamomile tea bag into a bowl.
  • Add honey, oats, almond oil and honey to the bowl and mix well.
  • Using your first two fingers, apply the mask evenly on your face, using circular motions.
  • Make sure to avoid the sensitive area around your eyes.
  • Once the mask has been applied, let stand for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Proceed to rinse your face with cold water and then dry.

So try these homemade chamomile masks and get that glowing skin you’ve always dreamed of. Tell us about any other mask recipe you know. Leave a comment below

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