Natural Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve

Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve

If you are lucky, you will no longer have to deal with a pinched nerve once in your life. Depending on the location and severity of the problem, the pain can be quite intense. Read more Natural Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve means that there is a kind of damage or injury to a nerve or set of nerves, which may result from compression, constriction or stretching of the nerves.

Inflammation caused by injury, poor posture, or poor sleep position are common causes of a pinched nerve. Arthritis, spinal misalignment, bone spurs and hernial disks can also cause this problem.

Common symptoms of a pinched nerve include numbness, needle and needle sensations, burning sensation and acute pain radiating outward from the injured area. Seldom the signs get worse when trying specific movements, such as turning the head or stretching the neck.

A pinched nerve is often associated with pain in the neck or lower back. However, compression of the nerves in your neck or arm can also affect areas such as elbows, hands, wrists or fingers.

The pain of a pinched nerve can make you quite miserable, and carry on with everyday activities, even sleeping can be difficult.

If not treated timely, it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, sciatica, and other severe conditions.

The occasional pinched nerve is usually treatable at home. Many natural remedies can alleviate symptoms and promote healing. But if the pain is severe and affects your mobility, it is important to see a doctor.

Here are the best natural remedies for a pinched nerve.

1. Adjust Your Posture

As poor posture is one of the main causes of a pinched nerve, the first step you need to take is to improve your posture. Changing the way you sit and serve will help relieve pain and may even reduce compression or constriction of the nerve.

For a pinched nerve in your neck, make sure to keep your chin in a neutral position. It should not be too advanced or too advanced. At the same time, your shoulders should be in a vertical position, which you can hold by gently squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Always sit straight and hold your body upright and straight while walking or standing. Avoid falling. By making a conscious effort to maintain a correct posture, you can easily treat a pinched nerve in the neck or back.

2. Rest

No matter where the pinched nerve is or what caused it, you should rest as much as possible the affected area. Of course, rest is often easier said than done, but its importance in healing should not be underestimated.

In fact, resting is a very effective way of treating a pinched nerve in your neck.

Avoid any type of activity that causes you pain, such as tennis, golf or text. Remain until the symptoms are completely resolved.

With the limitation of your activities, sleeping longer will give your body more time to heal. If necessary, use a brace to limit your movement while you sleep. Avoid sleeping on your stomach; Try to sleep on the back or side.

To treat a pinched nerve in your lower back, try to raise your legs a few inches by resting or sleeping.

Home Remedies for a Pinched Nerve3. Use a Cold Compress

For the temporary and rapid relief of pinched nerve pain, you can use a cold compress. The cold temperature will help relieve the pain by numbing the affected area. This also reduces swelling and inflammation.

Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and sealable.

  • Wrap the bag in a hand towel.
  • Hold the ice pack directly over the area with the pinched nerve for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
  • Repeat every hour if necessary.

Note: Never apply ice directly to your skin as it can cause cold burns.

4. Apply Heat

After the first day (24 hours) of suffering from a pinched nerve, you can apply heat to the affected area to relax the muscles that might be tightened around the nerve.

  • Heat provides comfort and helps the healing process, as it improves blood circulation at the site of the injured nerve.
  • Soak a cloth in lukewarm water and squeeze excess water.
  • Put the hot compress on the affected area for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Repeat if necessary.

You can also use a heating pad or a hot water bottle.

5. Take an Epsom Salt Bath

Magnesium is essential for the body to heal and for nerve pain. Epsom salt is one of the best ways to maintain a proper level of magnesium in the body. In fact, the body will absorb magnesium very quickly from the Epsom salt.

It also works as a natural anti-inflammatory agent and helps to relax tightened muscles around the pinched nerve area.

  • Mix 1 cup of Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with hot water.
  • Soak your body for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Use this remedy twice a week until your condition improves.

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