Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Does not like drinking milk? Apply it on the face and reap in its beauty benefits. Here are face packs can make with ‘milk or doodh’ for beautiful skin. Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Do you know that can exfoliate the skin with milk face pack? It contains beta hydroxyl acid which helps to reduce the dead skin cells. Simply soak cotton ball in milk and rub it on the face. Let it stay for some time and then wash the face. If you have oily or combination skin, add oats to milk before applying on the face

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skinYou must have heard about the grandma telling secret to her glowing skin. It is none other than the pack made of milk, turmeric and gram flour. Mix all and apply it on face. Once it dries, rinse with water.

Skin can get tanned easily due to pollution, dirt, sun exposure, etc. To get rid of this layer, make a pack of milk and almonds. Soak them in milk overnight and then grind to make paste. Apply this on face and then rinse off.

Have large, open pores on the face? They can cloud the face and look bad. To shrink them, use sour milk. Apply it on pores for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

Is the skin showing signs of ageing? Turn back the clock with the face pack made of milk, papaya, and honey. Mix all and apply for about 20 minutes before washing face with lukewarm water. These will lighten the fine lines and wrinkles.

Milk face packs can shrink pores, prevent ageing and exfoliate the skin

Photo credit: Pedro Moura Pinheiro / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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