health benefits of fennel, fennel, uses of fennel, nutritional value of fennel

Fennel bulb is the vegetable that has sweet taste with the crunchiness that makes it refreshing when eaten raw or when used in the salads or salsas. Here are some health benefits of fennel.

Fennel might be white or pale green and stalks have feathery green leaves. Together with the carrots, parsley, dill & coriander, fennel belongs to Umbellifereae family.


Fennel is very rich in the vitamin A, C and many of B vitamins. It is an excellent dietary fiber, contains the potassium, folate, molybdenum & manganese. Minerals like phosphorous, calcium, iron and copper can also be found in the fennel.


The high concentration of an essential oils in the fennel gives it aromatic fragrant and flavor. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in the fennel make it very useful in relieving many common disorders.


Since fennel is rich in an iron and histidine, it serves as the good natural remedy for anemia. The production of the hemoglobin is increased as result of consumption of food containing iron.

Breast milk, secretion:

Lactating mothers can consume the fennel juice regularly to increase secretion of nutritious milk for their infants.


The high content of vitamin C, flavonoids & essential oils in the fennel bulb all provide synergistic healing properties for prevention of cancer.


Colic happens because of an imbalanced intestinal flora. The essential oils found in the fennel are useful for rebalancing flora for remedy of renal colic.


The roughage in the fennel seeds act as stimulant in clearance of bowels. By taking fennel juice regularly, it helps to rebalance digestive tract, thus promotes the regular bowel movement.


The essential oils in the fennel like Cineole and Anethole help to remedy diarrhea. By taking fennel juice regularly, it helps to rebalance digestive tract, thus promotes a healthy bowel movement.


The diuretic property of the fennel helps in removal of toxic substances from body through frequent urination. Thus, it helps to reduce the inflammation that causes rheumatism and swelling.


Excessive flatulence happens due to highly imbalanced intestinal flora in digestive tract. Fennel has the capability to reduce bad bacteria while increasing the good bacteria that help to rebalance the digestive flora.

Hair health:

The sulphur content together with all right amino acids and essential oils in the fennel help to strengthen the hair and reduce hair fall.

High blood pressure:

The high potassium content in the fennel helps to reduce high blood pressure and thus decreasing risk for heart attack and stroke.


health benefits of fennel, fennel, uses of fennel, nutritional value of fennelThe essential oils in the fennel increases secretion of the digestive juices, helping in reduction of the stomach inflammation and in absorption of nutrients from food eaten. Since fennel also has anti-acidic qualities, it is used widely also as an antacid.

Menstruation disorders:

As fennel is an emmenagogue, it helps to regulate the hormonal action in female body, easing the menstruation flow.

Vision health:

Fennel has unique properties that can help to protect from eyes inflammation, as well as with other eye disorders which are directly or indirectly connected to the muscular degeneration and aging. Due to anti-oxidants and necessary amino acids in the fennel, they help to rejuvenate and prevent aging. The juice of fennel leaves when externally applied on eyes may help to reduce eye irritations and fatigue.
Photo credit: Satrina0 / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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