Eczema elimination diet and foods to eat

Eczema elimination diet and foods to eat

Eczema happens to be an inflammatory skin condition. Also referred to as atopic dermatitis, it can also cause skin irritation, oozing blisters, and itchy rashes. It can also result in leathery skin patches that are appearing over time.

Eczema is indeed most common in children younger than age 2, but it can also rather affect older children as well as adults. Hereditary and environmental triggers may play a role in developing the condition, but its cause is not clearly understood. Many children do “grow out” of eczema and experience few to no outbreaks as adults.

Research does indicate that an infant may in fact be less likely to develop eczema if his or her mother does take pro-biotics and also avoids drinking cow’s milk during pregnancy. Infants who are exclusively breastfed during the first three months of their lives are also less likely to develop eczema.
Many people who do have eczema are also diagnosed with food allergies. However, everyone is indeed different and also discovering one’s personal food needs which are indeed important to minimize issues with allergies as well as eczema. Not everyone will have indeed issues with the foods such:
• cow’s milk
• eggs
• soy products
• gluten
• nuts
• fish
• shellfish

Eating certain foods does not appear to cause eczema, although it may trigger a flare-up if one already has the condition. Maintaining an eczema-friendly diet is indeed key to overall condition management. Not everyone will indeed have the same reactions or flare-ups to the same foods.

Which food on needs to eat?

Eating anti-inflammatory foods can also help lessen or reduce eczema symptoms. This includes:

Fatty fish:

One may be able to reduce one’s symptoms by eating fatty fish, such as salmon as well as herring. Fish oil does contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. One may also consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

Foods containing quercetin:

Quercetin happens to be a plant-based flavonoid. It does help give many flowers, fruits, and vegetables their rich color. It is also a powerful antioxidant as well as an antihistamine. This does mean it can reduce inflammation as well as levels of histamine in one’s body.

Foods high in quercetin do include:

• apples
• blueberries
• cherries
• broccoli
• spinach
• kale

Foods containing probiotics:

Probiotic foods, such as yogurt, do contain live cultures that also help support a strong immune system. This may also help reduce flare-ups or allergic reactions.

Probiotic-rich foods do include:

• sourdough bread
• miso soup
• naturally fermented pickles
• soft cheeses, such as Gouda
• unpasteurized sauerkraut
• tempeh
• kefir

One’s best foods depend largely on any food allergies that may have been diagnosed with. Foods considered to be eczema-friendly may also trigger a flare-up in those who are allergic to them.

Eczema elimination diet and foods to eat

Are there any foods that I should limit or avoid?

What one may eat may not directly cause eczema, but it can also trigger an increase in symptoms. This is in fact true if one ate food that one is allergic or otherwise sensitive to.

Common food allergies include:

• dairy products
• eggs
• soy
• nuts

Foods do contain preservatives as well as artificial ingredients that may also exacerbate symptoms. This includes foods that are high in Trans fats, such as margarine, processed food, as well as fast food.
Foods high in sugar may also indeed trigger eczema flare-ups. Sugar does cause one’s insulin levels to spike, which can result in inflammation.

Items typically high in sugar include:

• cakes
• some coffee drinks
• some sodas
• some smoothies
• fast food items, such as burgers

Is there a specific diet plan one can follow?

There is no one-size-fits-all eczema diet, though eating a diet that is rich in antioxidants may indeed help reduce symptoms. Some eating plans are rather based on principles that one may find helpful in reducing one’s symptoms:

Mediterranean diet:

This diet emphasizes eating:

• fruits
• vegetables
• fish
• healthy fats, such as olive oil
It also does include red wine, which contains quercetin.
Sugary desserts as well as red meat can be eaten in very small quantities or not at all in this diet.

Anti-inflammatory diet:

This food plan does focus on eliminating foods that do increase inflammation and eating fiber-rich foods. It does place a strong emphasis on:
• fruits
• vegetables
• whole grains
• healthy fats, such as olive oil
• fish, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids
Chemically-laden processed foods are not included in this food plan.

What about the dyshidrotic and elimination diets?

The dyshidrotic, as well as elimination diets, are two other diets one might want to consider. The dyshidrotic diet is specifically for those with dyshidrotic eczema. The elimination diet may also help those who do not know what their eczema triggers are.

Dyshidrotic diet

Dyshidrotic eczema is indeed characterized by tiny blisters on one’s hands as well as feet. Like other forms of eczema, its cause is rather unknown. Allergens, including food allergens, may indeed influence flare-ups.
Nickel and cobalt may also exacerbate symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema. The dyshidrotic diet involves avoiding foods that tend to contain these elements in order to help reduce outbreaks.

Nickel, as well as cobalt, may be found in:

• whole wheat
• whole grain
• rye
• oat
• cocoa
• baking powder
• soy products
• dried fruits
• chickpeas
• canned foods
Foods that are high in vitamin C can indeed help reduce the absorption of these elements, so eating plenty of fresh fruits as well as vegetables may also help. This includes:
• bell peppers
• kale
• oranges
• strawberries
• cauliflower
• pineapple
• mango

Elimination diet:

The elimination diet is indeed recommended for people who have diagnosed food allergies. If one is not sure what one’s eczema triggers are, trying the elimination diet may or may not reduce flare-ups.
There are indeed many triggers for eczema outside of what one eats, including stress, topical products, as well as the environment. This may indeed make it harder to determine what is causing one’s outbreaks.
If one wishes to try the elimination diet, start by removing specific foods or food groups from what one eats for at least three days to see if one’s flare-ups subside. For best results, one needs to try removing one specific food or food group at a time.

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