Diet And Nutrition Tips For Pregnancy Women

Diet And Nutrition Tips For Pregnancy Women

What the woman eats and drinks during pregnancy is the main source of food for her baby. So experts recommend that a mother-to-be choose a variety of healthy foods and drinks to provide the important nutrients a baby needs for growth and development. Read more about Diet And Nutrition Tips For Pregnancy Women

Key pregnancy nutrition

A pregnant woman needs more calcium, folic acid, iron and protein than a woman who does not expect, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Here’s why these four nutrients are important.

Folic acid

Folic acid, also known as folate when found in foods, is a vitamin B that is crucial for preventing birth defects in the baby’s brain and spine, known as the Neural tube.

It may be difficult to get the recommended amount of folic acid from the diet alone. For this reason, March of Dimes, an organization dedicated to the prevention of congenital anomalies, recommends that women who try to have a baby take a daily vitamin supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for at least one month before Becoming pregnant.

During pregnancy, they advise women to increase the amount of folic acid to 600 micrograms per day, a quantity commonly seen in a daily prenatal vitamin.

Food sources: leafy green vegetables, fortified or enriched cereals, pasta, and bread.


Calcium is a mineral used to build a baby’s bones and teeth. If a pregnant woman does not consume enough calcium, the core will be pulled from the mother’s stores in her bones and will be given to the baby to meet the extra requirements of pregnancy, says the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Many dairy products are also fortified with vitamin D, another nutrient that works with calcium to develop a baby’s bones and teeth.

Pregnant women aged 19 and over need 1000 milligrams of calcium per day; Pregnant teenagers, aged fourteen to eighteen, need 1,300 milligrams per day, according to ACOG.

Food sources: milk, cheese, yogurt, calcium-fortified juices, and salmon with bones, foods, some leafy greens like bok choy, kale.


Pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron per day, double the amount required by women who do not expect, according to ACOG. Additional amounts of minerals are needed to get more blood to provide the baby with oxygen. Getting too little iron during pregnancy can lead to anemia, a condition that causes fatigue and an increased risk of infections.

For better absorption of mineral, include a good source of vitamin C at the same meal when you eat foods high in iron, recommend ACOG. For example, take a glass of orange juice at breakfast with a cereal enriched with iron.

Food sources: meat, fish, poultry, dried beans & peas, iron-fortified cereal.


More protein is needed during pregnancy, but most women have no problems getting enough of these foods in their diet. We can describe protein as a “constructive nutrient” because it helps to build important organs in the baby, such as the brain and the heart.

Food sources: poultry, meat, fish, dried beans & peas, nuts, eggs, tofu.

Foods to eat During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the goal is to consume nutritious foods most of the time. To maximize prenatal nutrition, she recommends the following five food groups: fruits, lean protein, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products.

When they advise pregnant women, they fill half of their plates with fruits and vegetables, one-quarter of it with whole grains and one-quarter of it with a source of lean protein and also a dairy product. every meal.

Fruits and vegetables:

Pregnant women should focus on fruits and vegetables, especially during the second and third trimesters, Krieger said. Get between five and ten “tennis ball” – make portions of products every day, she said. These colorful foods are low in calories and filled with vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

Lean protein:

Pregnant women should include good sources of protein at every meal to help the baby grow, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, beans, cheese, milk, and nuts.

Whole grains are an important source of energy in the diet, and they also provide iron, fiber and B vitamins. At least half of a pregnant woman’s carbohydrate choices each day should come from Whole grains, such as oatmeal, whole wheat pasta or bread, and brown rice.


Aim for three to four servings of dairy products per day, suggested a specialist, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, which provide good sources of calcium, protein and vitamin D.

In addition to a healthy diet, pregnant women also need a daily prenatal vitamin to get some nutrients difficult to get from food alone, such as folic acid and iron, according to ACOG.

For women who take prenatal vitamins to chew, one has to check the labels of the products, as they may not have sufficient iron levels.

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