Complete Guide On How To Use Blending Sponge

How To Use Blending Sponge

Blending Sponge ‘- an indispensable element that is found more than one in professional make-up kits. We also can not ignore the requirements of this small sponge applicator while doing our own makeup at home, can we? But like all other makeup items, this one should also be used as an ideal way to achieve privileged results. Confused? Yes, there are many women who use this seemingly simple makeup tool totally wrong. Here’s your guide to using the blending sponge as a pro by immediately fixing critical errors. Read about Complete Guide On How To Use Blending Sponge

What is the specialty of the blending sponge?

The first thing to know about a blending sponge is why such a simple thing is considered the perfect makeup secret. Well, the precise answer is, it helps to mix your makeup base in complete transparency.

The blended sponge is a versatile makeup tool that makes foundation application, regular moisturizer, tinted moisturizer, BB cream, CC cream, hide and seek, etc. Absolutely easy and effortless. When it comes to obtaining a clean, airless finish, this small sponge works like a “miracle product”. The best part of using a blender sponge is that it creates a finish that is not achievable by using makeup brushes alone. Therefore, it has become a choice for both beginners and professionals. Mixed sponges are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, the pink sponge-shaped egg called “Beautyblender” is the most popular among these.

The mistakes you made so long

We will definitely show you the right way to use the blending sponge, but before that, let’s take a close look at the mistakes you could still make it. If you want to make the most of this amazing tool, you must first repair these errors. Here’s how:

Use of a dry sponge

If you use your dry blending sponge, you make the biggest mistake ever. No matter how much time it saves, if you omit the depreciation of the tool just before using, chances are great that you will end up creating a “cake”. A dry, dehydrated sponge makes the heavy makeup even heavier by sucking it. On the other hand, a damp sponge becomes larger, softer and less thirsty, making the make-up lighter and pushing it into the face for a perfect scratch-free blend as well as a de-icing finish.

Adding Makeup to it

If you spill your makeup (especially those water-based) directly onto the sponge blend, you’re doing it wrong. It is always good to apply little makeup at a time and gradually graduate as you go. Covering the entire sponge with the base will not make your hard application task but also a product waste as the sponge will absorb it immediately.

How To Use Blending SpongeTap the skin lightly

If you lightly tap the base on your skin with the blending sponge, you must rectify it now. The tool can only work best when you press the skin with makeup. The movement of the delicate attack should be replaced by ‘press’ or ‘dabbing’ to obtain a flawless finish.

The right way to use the blending sponge

Now, here’s the professional stuff to use the blending sponge to its fullest potential. Check them:

  • Stir the mixture sponge under water for at least 20 seconds while gently squeezing. Once the tool is completely wet, it will become softer, fluffier and bigger. Now, squeeze excess water or simply soak using a soft towel. The sponge should not be wet, but there should be a moisture radius left inside.
  • Pump a small base at the back of your hand (or any other flat and hard surface of your choice) and immerse a part of the sponge to remove the product. Do not take too much foundation on both the sponge. Rather, apply slowly and keep diapers as needed.
  • Apply makeup to the skin using the sponge blend in small, smooth strokes. Then, point or push the tool on your face for seamless mixing. Make sure to apply light pressure while tapping it against the skin.
  • For spot treatment, apply a corrector to the affected area of the skin by tapping with your finger. Then mix it well using a sponge corner of the mixture. In the case of Beautyblender, the pointed edge will make your task easy.
  • It is important to clean the sponge mixture after each use with a mild liquid cleaner. Once it is air dried, place it in the container it enters and stores it in your make-up kit.

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