Common Causes of Dark Circles

Common causes of dark circles

Do you know what causes dark circles under your eyes? Well, there are so many reasons for that. Most of us do hate to have them as they make the skin look dull.

That is is the reason why it is good to know about the causes of dark circles under eyes. In fact, it is always better to meet a dermatologist in order to discuss about your under eye issues. Now, let us discuss about some common causes of dark circles.


Certain medicines as well as hormonal fluctuations can also cause the blood vessels to dilate and this may cause dark circles under the eyes.


After a particular age, skin under the eyes may lose elasticity and this may also make the dark circles evident.


Common causes of dark circlesThis is one of the causes of dark circles under eyes. If your ancestors had dark circles then there are high chances of you inheriting them.


You may also develop dark circles due to bruises too. Also, if you frequently rub your eyes, the skin in that area may get affected and this may also cause dark circles.


It is a fact that stress can play an important role in causing dark circles below the eyes.
Photo credit: brendan wilkinson / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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