Beat cellulite with brahmi leaves

Beat cellulite with brahmi leaves

Beat cellulite with brahmi leaves

Brahmi which is also known as the gotu kola or Indian pennywort, is the well-known Ayurvedic herb with multiple benefits for ones health. It helps to enhance memory and also promotes the hair growth but did you know it can also help to prevent and fight cellulite? Cellulite frequently appears as dimpled skin due to deposition of fat pockets. Women are more prone to having it and prime areas it appears on is thighs. So use Beat cellulite with brahmi leaves.

Beat cellulite with brahmi leavesAccording to the research paper by Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland, brahmi is useful in fighting cellulite as it helps in repairing connective tissue in skin and improving the microcirculation. It also improves collagen production in skin which helps in keeping the skin looking flexible. In fact, brahmi or gotu kola is the common ingredient used in anti-cellulite creams.


  • Grind brahmi leaves to make the paste or use gotu kola powder depending on area you need to apply it on.
  • Add some water to make the paste.
  • Mix well and apply directly on cellulite.
  • Massage area for a few minutes and let paste dry.
  • It is best to leave it on overnight and wash it off next morning.

Brahmi leaves and powder are easily available in Ayurvedic stores. Use this paste regularly to reap in its benefits and say goodbye to cellulite. Although it would lighten its appearance, you might want to make lifestyle and diet changes to see better results.

Photo credit: stevendepolo / Foter / CC BY

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