7 Tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant Skin

7 tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant Skin

7 Tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant Skin

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Saffron, generally known as kesar in India, is the most valuable and precious spice in the world. It has a plenty of health and beauty benefits. Saffron has also used as a kitchen ingredient for its alluring aroma. Saffron has packed with nutrients and compounds that are beneficial for health and beauty as well.

Amazing health benefits are Saffron acts as an anti-depressant, helps in digestion, it prevents the heart disease, combat against cancer. Saffron is also proved to treat insomnia (sleeplessness). It serves in the overall functioning of the body.

Saffron is considered to enhance the skin colour, since time immemorial. Pregnant women are informed to drink milk with the saffron strands, for it improves the appearance of the baby. Incorporating saffron in the beauty routine would unquestionably strengthen the skin and improve the skin complexion. In this post, we have listed out seven fantastic ways in which saffron does admire for your skin. Read on to know more about 7 Tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant Skin.

7 tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant SkinSaffron And Honey:

Take the spoonful of honey, add few strands of saffron. Mix it up & apply it on the clean face. Honey acts as a moisturiser & hydrates the skin. On the other hand, the extraordinary property of saffron makes the skin glowing. Use this face mask once in a month for best results.

Saffron And Milk:

Soak few strands of saffron in milk for an hour. Add a teaspoonful of the sandalwood powder. Apply this mixture on face. Leave it for about 20 minutes & wash your face. This face mask is an excellent remedy to get rid of the dull skin.

Saffron And Milk Cream:

Soak saffron in milk cream overnight. Combine it and apply on the clear face. This mixture lightens the face & decreases the tan caused by the harmful sun rays.

Saffron And Rose Water:

If you are looking for the measure to tone the skin naturally, then and few beaches of saffron to rose water. Take the cotton ball, soak it in this mixture and dab it on the skin. It acts as an excellent tone & makes the skin look youthful.

Saffron And Tulsi Leaves:

Make the paste of saffron & Tulsi by crushing them collectively. Apply it on the skin. Leave it on the skin for 20 minutes and wash your face with regular water. This face mask has best adapted for acne prone skin. The antibacterial property of Tulsi lessens the acne & saffron gives the natural glow to the skin.

Saffron And Sandalwood Powder:

A mixture of saffron, milk & sandalwood powder makes the skin look luminous. Mix these three ingredients and apply it on the skin & wash it off after 20 minutes. It makes your skin look beautiful by eliminating the blemishes and dullness.

Saffron And Olive Oil:

Mix few strands of saffron with the olive oil. Apply this mixture on a surface. Massage it for few minutes and rinse off. It results in softer and lighter skin.

The above mentioned are the 7 Tips To Use Saffron For A Radiant Skin. Read and follow them to get the flawless and glowing skin.

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