5 Ways To Lighten Facial Hair Naturally

5 Ways To Lighten Facial Hair Naturally

5 Ways To Lighten Facial Hair Naturally

#waystolightenfacialhair #lightenfacialhairnaturally #naturallylightenfacialhair

Do you have facial hair? Is your facial hair is making you look less appealing? Don’t fret! We have a solution for you. We will guide you to get rid rid of your facial hair. Unwanted facial hair is a serious beauty concern and could be embarrassing at times. It makes a women look less feminine. Some of the factors that contribute to facial hair are stress, heredity, menopause and hormonal imbalance.

Now, you can lighten the unwanted facial hair naturally using home remedies using easy home remedies. These home remedies doesn’t do any harm to your skin. But the results are not instant, since it is natural, it is time consuming. In today’s article, we at Boldsky have shared some the effective ways to lighten the facial hair using home remedies. Read on, try these 5 Ways To Lighten Facial Hair Naturally and see the results.

5 Ways To Lighten Facial Hair NaturallyOrange Peel Powder And Yoghurt:

Orange peel powder visibly lightens the skin tone and the facial hair as well. Mix orange peel powder with desired quantity of yoghurt and add few drops of lemon. Apply this mixture on facial hair to lighten it. Repeat this procedure everyday for the best results.

Papaya And Turmeric:

Papaya acts as a natural bleach and lightens the facial hair. Mix papaya pulp with a pinch of turmeric, apply on clean face and gently massage for few minutes. Rinse after 20 minutes.

Orange Peel Powder And Lemon:

This mixture effectively lightens the hair by exfoliating the skin. It also leaves a glow on face. Mix half a cup of orange peel powder with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply on face and wash off after a few minutes.

Lemon Juice And Honey:

Lemon juice and honey is one of the best remedies to lighten facial hair. This mixture acts as a natural bleach and effectively lightens the unwanted facial hair.

Tomato Juice Mask:

Tomato juice mask is an easy way to lighten facial hair. All that you need to do is massage a slice of tomato on the area where you want to lighten your facial hair. Repeat this procedure twice or thrice for the desired results.

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