5 Ways to Get Thick Lustrous Hair, Without Using Any Chemicals

5 Ways to Get Thick Lustrous Hair, Without Using Any Chemicals

Women like to resolve how to make hair silky permanently by using home products, thus reducing the cost of having gorgeous-looking hair. How to make hair soft and silky is easy.

Whether hair is tied up or left open, every style does look good if the tresses are thick and long. This is the reason why women make much effort in ensuring that their hair and hairstyle look attractive. The effort is made as to how to make hair soft and silky.

No doubt, beautiful and strong locks are rather assets that help improve one’s overall appearance. Of course, this does not mean that much needs to be spent. Now, it does not mean that a person has to spend a lot on purchasing costly products or make frequent visits to expensive parlor set-ups.

Here homely products to be used to resolve the issue of how to make hair silky permanently.

1. Eggs

Eggs are indeed an excellent source of protein for the hair, which is essential for hair growth. Just take about one or two eggs, beat them properly, and then apply the content to the hair. After 10-15 minutes, do wash it off with lukewarm water. Then apply this two to three times a week. Another method is to mix an egg yolk with about one tablespoon of hair oil that can be used and two tablespoons of water. Massage the scalp with this mixture once a week for thick hair.

2. Orange juice

Orange juice is indeed very beneficial for one’s hair. It does help to get rid of dandruff and oily scalp. Then this can apply a mixture of orange juice as well as apple puree (mixed in equal amount), once a week on one’s hair. Leave this mixture for about half an hour before washing it off. Another way of making use of the juice is by mixing it with olive oil in an equal amount. Then warm this mixture before applying it to the hair. Leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. A hair pack prepared from the pulp of an orange peel is also equally good for the hair. This solves the problem of how to make hair soft and silky.

3. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds (also) are indeed an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are quite effective in treating hair problems such as brittle and thin hair. All you have to do is, soak about three tablespoons of flaxseeds in water for five days, and then apply this solution on the scalp directly with the help of a cotton ball. Allow it to stay on the scalp for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Apart from this, add freshly grounded flaxseeds to the diet to boost hair growth.

5 Ways to Get Thick Lustrous Hair, Without Using Any Chemicals

4. Amla

Indian gooseberry or amla does wonder for the hair. To make a hair potion, just boil about one tablespoon of dried amla in two tablespoons of coconut oil and then strain the mixture. Massage the scalp with this oil and then wash it off the next day. It is possible to boil water with dried or powdered amla and then apply it to the hair followed by rinsing with water. The antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as exfoliating properties of gooseberry, will indeed make the hair shine with volume.

Also Read, 10 Natural Ways to Straighten Your Hair.

5. Avocado

Avocados happen to be a great source of vitamins A, B, and E. Apart from this, they also help moisturize the hair naturally. Massaging the mixture of mashed avocado cum banana on the scalp can boost thick hair growth. Leave the mixture for about 30 minutes, then rinse it properly and then apply a good conditioner to the hair.

Thus easy to prepare home conditioners can be had to deal with how to make hair silky permanently.

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