13 Best Tips to get rid & cover Your double chin

13 Best Tips to get rid & cover Your double chin

The double chin can affect one’s look and women would like to either hide it or if possible get rid of it. The first impression counts as it happens to be the lasting impression, and looks do matter or rather appearance does matter even in work arena. Certain professions require that one looks good, for instance being a salesperson.

What are the tips to cover double chin?

1. Exercise:

One must exercise and there are certain cardio activities such as swimming, cycling, running which do help one to get rid of the excessive fat. One must look slim and trim as it makes one look smart.

Here are some exercises to get rid of the double chin :

2. Tongue Out:

Open one’s mouth wide and place one’s tongue outside as far as possible for about five minutes and then place it in. Repeat this for10 minutes.

3. Jaw Jut:

One has to tilt one’s head backward and look at the ceiling pushing one’s jaw upward and feel the stretching of the chin and hold the position for about 10 minutes. Do this exercise for about 10 minutes with regular intervals of rest.

4. Roll in:

Place the neck in a manner that the chin drops on the chest and then left and so forth for about 30 seconds slowly and steadily.

13 Best Tips to get rid & cover Your double chin5. Gym work:

One can also enroll in a gym as well hire themselves a trainer as well work for their strength as well as muscles.

6. Diet and calorie restriction:

One must restrict one’s calories intake by restricting the intake of junk food. One must take the right amount of calorie. One must have more of fruits and vegetables. One must have fibrous food as well as drink lots of water.

7. Chewing gums:

One can chew a gum and this exercises the chin muscles, making them strong and thus hides the double-chin.

8. Self-love:

One must be confident about one’s looks even if one has a double chin. One must confidently walk around and not feel odd about one’s looks.

9. Make-up:

One can use make-up to hide one’s double chin. One can highlight other parts of the face like using mascara for one’s eyes so that the focus will not be on one’s double chin.

10. Hair-styles:

One can also have a hairstyle which will underplay the double chin. One keeps long locks close to the chin.

11. No chocker necklaces:

One must avoid wearing choker necklaces.

12. Good postures:

One must keep a straight posture and thus keep one’s head straight and walk. Shoulders should not bend.

13. Clothes:

One must wear the right sort of clothes.

The double chin can make one feel uncomfortable and there are several exercises which can help to underplay it or get rid of it. Looks do matter to all of us and we like to look good despite our age. The double chin can undermine our looks yet we need to feel confident even if we have one.

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