10 Unusual Tips To Get Rid Of Spectacle Marks Forever

10 Unusual Tips To Get Rid Of Spectacle Marks Forever

10 Unusual Tips To Get Rid Of Spectacle Marks Forever

Using spectacles never fails to make me look like a scholarly drip. But when I saw all those models in eye-care ads, I appreciated spectacles can make you look beautiful and stylish too.

If you wear instruction eyewear frequently, you must have developed marks on the nose and under your eyes at some point. How about dealing with that quickly? Keep on reading.10 Unusual Tips To Get Rid Of Spectacle Marks Forever

Your Window To The World:

Spectacles are your steady companion, considering you wear them all time. They are your 2 little windows to world. Are these windows too heavy?

Heavy glasses form imitation on the bridge of the nose

With long term usage, the marks deepen

Continued usage will cause pigmentation

This will lead to the darkened skin

Tight eyewear also causes marks

Now the solution is clear. Wear light weight eye glasses, if possible with well fitting and soft eye frames.

Remove Those Marks:

Whenever possible, it is advisable to remove your spectacles to get rid of the pressure on areas around the eyes and nose. As they are off, spoil in these home remedies to make you stop looking like a raccoon.

Gel Your Eyes With Aloe Vera:

The gel or juice from an Aloe Vera leaf is very soothing to skin. Draw out the little gel from a freshly cut leaf and be relevant it over the darkened areas. Leave it on the skin until it dries and then rinse off with cool water.

Aloe Vera gel is very effectual on scars.

Peel Those Potatoes:

And not just for cooking. Once you finish peeling those potatoes, use the grated or sliced potato to make a paste. Apply this paste kindly over the dark spots. Let it remain there for about 15 minutes before washing off.

When used regularly, the potato will slowly begin to get rid of  your marks until they completely fade away.

Cucumber The Circles Around The Eyes:

Apply cucumber slices over darkened areas; the slices will work on the scars or marks when cooling your eyes. You can also squeeze cucumber juice and dab it on the indentations.

If it seems like a lot of work, simply rub a slice around the eyes. It should do the trick.

Same With Lemons:

Use the same process with lemons. Squeeze out juice from a fresh lemon and dilute it with enough quantity of water. Dab this solution to affected areas on your face usingthe cotton roll. Wash after 15 minutes.

With usual application, the lemon juice would bleach the pigmentation right out of the skin.

Rose Water On Your Pretty Eyes:

Rose water is a natural skin toner. Use it to your advantage. Rub the affected areas with a soft cotton pad dipped in rose water. Rinse away after a while. Use it as you would use a toner as part of a regular skin regimen. In time, watch the dark marks vanish.

Pour Yourself Some Honey:

And be kind about it. Mix it with some milk and a little oat. What have you got yourself? A magic potion to reduce of spectacle marks.

Apply the potion over darkened areas and rinse it off after 15 to 20 minutes. You should notice changes very soon, as both milk and honey have many benefits.

Color Me Orange:

Orange peels work well against under eye circles and spectacle marks or scars. Grate the orange peel after it has dried. Mix a little milk into the powder to make a paste. Apply the paste over the dark areas, let it stay on for 15 minutes and then rinse. Your skin is now nourished and lightened.

How About A Massage?

A massage of the darkened areas with almond oil is very effective at lightening them. Besides, the vitamin E content in the oil is good for your skin.

There you go, have fun with these home remedies. Do let me know if you found them useful. Leave me a comment below.

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