10 amazing Healthy Food for Children

10 amazing Healthy Food for Children

Children prefer those foods that are readily available. They assign most of their time for play and give less time for the other activities. The other activities includes eating.10 amazing Healthy Food for Children

Children would any day prefer processed foods like chips packets over healthy homemade food. The processed foods have many disadvantages. The chemicals used to preserve processed foods are not good for the health. Moreover some children are so busy playing that they do not check the expiry dates of the processed foods. Hence processed foods are a big no-no.

What are the healthy foods for children?

The top 10 amazing foods that are healthy for children are as follows:


Nuts can make the great evening snack. Only the handful of nuts will make children feel full. They are packed with the health benefits too. Nuts contain “good” fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts also contain vitamin E and fiber. Fiber is beneficial to body since it prevents the constipation.


Fruits have zero calories and each fruit is loaded up with the pack of nutrients. Fruits also have fiber. Offer children a wide variety of fruits like berries, melons, oranges, apples etc.


Milk and dairy products contain the calcium and proteins that are essential in the growing ages of children. They provide fuel for brain and body.

Sweet Potato:

Sweet potatoes are great for the child’s health. They are nutritious. They contain vitamin A that keeps the eyes healthy. It acts as an antioxidant in the body.


Oatmeal is packed with vitamin B, iron, zinc and calcium. It offers quick energy with its carbohydrates and fiber. It keeps the stomach full and body active.


Eggs contain protein, vitamin B, vitamin E and zinc. Proteins form the building blocks for a young body. Eggs contain omega-3 fatty acids that are great for brain development. Eggs are great for nails and hair too.


Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that boosts brain development. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties.

Orange juice:

Orange juice contains vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, folate and zinc. Oranges are great for immune system. It contains healing properties.


Beans contain soluble fiber. Its great for moody children since it softens mood swings. They are great for the heart.


Spinach contains beta-carotene, lutein and vitamin E. It provides clear and bright vision.

If your child is suffering from any problem with his diet, consult a dietitian online at eVaidya now! eVaidya has the best online dietitians. Sign up and subscribe for a consultation plan now! At eVaidya all the doctors are verified and authenticated by the Medical Council of India (MCI). eVaidya offers an user satisfaction rate of 98.3%. Contact eVaidya now!

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