Six wonderful Skin, Hair and Health Benefits of Black Gram

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

Six wonderful skin, hair and health benefits of black gram

Apart from providing with several health benefits, black gram or urad dal can work wonders for the skin and hair.Here are six wonderful skin, hair and health benefits of black gram.

Traditional medicinal properties of Black gram

Black gram is known to be a demulcent, aphrodisiac and a nerve tonic. It improves reproductive fluid, gives strength to the body, increases lactation, and serves as an effective laxative.

As per Ayurvedic texts, it is effectual in purish kshya -a state in which stool is not formed properly. It improves the pitta and kapha dosha, as pacifies vata dosha.

A storehouse of energy

Urad dal or black gram has rich stores of iron as being low in the calorie and fats. Since iron is a very important component of hemoglobin, it is necessary for body’s metabolism and energy production. It is particularly good for menstruating women.

Muscle building

Black gram is the rich source of protein and hence helpful for the overall development of the body and in the reinforcement and building of muscle mass.

Six wonderful skin, hair and health benefits of black gram

Digestive aid

Urad dal is very rich in fiber content and hence improves digestion. It has both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, therefore serving the dual purpose of quickening the digestion process as well as in preventing constipation and improving the bulk of the stool.

Good for heart

Black gram is helpful in plummeting cholesterol. It enhances the healthy heart. It has rich content of magnesium and folate that prevent damage to the walls of the arterial walls. Magnesium improves cardiovascular health through improves the blood circulation.


Urad dal is also known to combat against pancreatic cancer.

Black gram or urad dal is used in prevention or treatment of the number of diseases:

  • Urad dal is helpful in the diabetics as it is low in the glycemic index.
  • It is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in males such as impotency, premature ejaculation, and thinness of semen.
  • In the treatment of nervous disorders like nervous weakness, memory loss, schizophrenia, and hysteria.
  • In the cure of rheumatic issues such as thin knee and stiff shoulder.
  • It is also connected with the treatment of a cough and acidity in the body.
  • It is considered a remedy for diseases like facial or partial body paralysis.

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

It is packed with minerals that can make the skin look soft and elastic. Here are ways can include a urad dal in the beauty regime.

Exfoliates the skin

Urad dal can be used as a very effectual scrub to remove the dirt, stain and the dead skin cells from the skin to expose fresh and elastic skin.

How to use:

Soak half cup of a black gram or urad dal overnight and grind it to paste in the morning.
Add two tbsp of milk and two tbsp of ghee to paste and combine them well.
Use this paste on the face and let it settle for thirty minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Carry this routine thrice per week to rub off dead cells from the skin.

Heals sunburn and also removes tan

Black gram has a cooling effect on skin that helps to eliminate the sun tan. Its skin lightening properties also help to remove the tan.

How to use:

Soak 1/4th cup of urad dal overnight
Grind the dal in a mixer and mix it with three tbsp of yogurt.
Apply this pack on the face and neck and leave it to dry for fifteen minutes.
Then rinse the pack off with the cold water.
Follow this routine every alternate day to see tan fading.

Treats acne

Urad dal cleanses the pores and removes excess oil thus treating acne. It also has a natural antiseptic properties that kill bacteria causing acne.

How to use:

Soak ½ cup of a black gram or urad dal overnight and grind it in the morning.
Add two tbsp of rose water and one tbsp of glycerine to dal.
Now add two tbsp of almond oil to the mixture to make a smooth paste.
Apply the paste on the face and leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes before cleaning it off with a cold water. Apply an every alternate day to see redness disappear in no time.

Lightens the skin tone

Urad dal has natural bleaching properties that can lighten the skin. The pulse is also packed with the several nutrients that helps to maintain the health of the skin.

How to use:

Soak a 1/4th cup of urad dal or black gram and 8 to 9 almonds overnight.
Grind them to thick paste in the morning.
Apply this paste on face and rinse it off with cold water after twenty minutes.
Carry this routine thrice week to enhance the complexion.

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

deepika padukone beauty secrets

Reduces the skin spots

Urad dal or black gram has antibacterial properties that can fade age spots and acne marks. It also helps in a skin regeneration and is thus an excellent remedy to maintain the youthful skin.

How to use:

Soak a 1/4th cup of urad dal in the night and grind it to a paste in the morning.
Add ½ teaspoon rice powder to paste.
Slowly add lemon juice to make the smooth paste.
Apply it on the face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.
Use this twice per week for the blemish free skin.

Contests dry and frizzy hair

Urad dal or black gram can also help to manage dry, brittle hair. It is rich in minerals and fatty acids that would help to restore the luster of the hair. It will also condition the hair and give it a shiny appearance.

How to use:

Take ½ a cup of urad dal and grind it to form the paste.
Now mix ½ tbsp of curd to paste.
Apply it evenly on the hair from the roots to tips.
Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse it off with a mild shampoo.
Using this pack once per week would help to battle dull and dry hair.
Photo credit: La.Catholique / Foter / CC BY

Six wonderful skin and hair benefits of black gram

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