The Ultimate Guide To Merkaba Meditation

The Ultimate Guide To Merkaba Meditation

Have you ever heard of Merkaba meditation? Did you know that it has several advantages? Do you know that practicing meditation of any kind can change your life forever? If the answers to the above questions are no, you should read this publication. This will do you a lot of good! Also red The Ultimate Guide To Merkaba Meditation

In this article, we will disclose a certain type of meditation that is so unique and interesting that with regular practice you can transform your entire life! So, without further ado, let’s go!

What Does Merkaba Mean?

The word Merkaba consists of three words: Sea, Ka, and Ba, of Egyptian origin. Sea refers to a kind of light which turns on itself; Ka, on the other hand, means spirit; And Ba refers to the physical body. The word Merkaba has several other pronunciations, such as Merkavah and Merkava.

What Is Merkaba Meditation?

Merkaba Meditation helps you reach a state of which you are aware of several areas of energy around you. It helps you learn different types of breaths and postures. Merkaba meditation will also make you relaxed and revitalized and will improve your overall health. It serves as a medium and takes you into a state that you have not experienced before. This affects not only your heart but also your soul.

The Ultimate Guide To Merkaba MeditationHow To Do Merkaba Meditation?

  • Merkaba meditation is easy, only if you practice! Here are 10 steps to complete some of this meditation.
  • Bring your thumb and your finger together. Do this for both hands. Now, lift the palms up. Breathe through the nostrils.
  • Now imagine a red light, open the chakra of the root and hold your breath. Pushes the breath. Also, push your eyes.
  • Bring the thumb and second finger together. Inhale, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale. Imagine an orange light and move your eyes down. Change your fingers again.
  • Hold the thumb and the third finger together. Imagine a yellow light now. Breathe in, hold your breath and press
  • Next, bring your thumb and fourth finger closer together. Imagine a green light now. Breathe in, hold and press again.
  • Next, bring your thumb and first finger closer together. Imagine a blue light and your throat chakra opening. Inhale, hold your breath and press it again.
  • Bring the thumb and your second finger together and imagine the indigo color this time around. Imagine your opening of the eyebrow chakra and hold your breath. Now pulse. Move your eyes down and change your fingers.
  • Finally, bring the thumb and the third finger together. You should imagine the purple color now. Imagine that your crown chakra opens. Hold your breath and let it rotate again. Expire. Move your eyes down and change your fingers again.
  • Now breathe deeply. Try to feel the love that surrounds you. Relax and breathe in a rhythmic way.

Benefits Of Merkaba Meditation:

Would you know the benefits of practicing Merkaba meditation? Watch this video Amun Browns! This guru has been meditating for years. Watch this video will take care of all your doubts and questions in a few minutes!

So, how did you like this publication? Have you ever tried Merkaba meditation? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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